- Pretty Please$55.00looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? we've got the perfect all-around choice - a mix of blooms in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more, all tied up with a big pink bow! a great way to make someone smile.
- Vivid Recollections$69.95this glorious basket of beautiful blossoms will send hope and let those you care for know that grief is a path they needn't walk alone.
- White Whisper Wristletclassic white roses are artfully arranged on an elegant faux pearl cuff. creme spray roses, gypsophila and italian ruscus on a faux pearl cuff.
- My First Boutonnierethe finishing touch for the handsome little fellow: a single coral rose accented with seeded eucalyptus and italian ruscus.coral rosebuds, seeded eucalyptus and italian ruscus presented in a pink satin ribbon.
- Beautiful In Blue$59.95in this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white will let the family know you are sending your calm strength to them during these difficult times.
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