- Dental Examination
- Root Canal Treatment
- OrthodonticsOnly dentists who have successfully completed these advanced specialty education programs may call themselves orthodontists. Dr. Roehm and Dr. Stigall have both gone “a step beyond” in their professional development. Our doctors are board-certified orthodontists by the American Board of Orthodontics which means they have committed to the lifelong recertification process. On a periodic basis Dr. Roehm and Dr. Stigall must take recertification examinations to maintain board certification. When you trust Midwest Orthodontic Associates with your orthodontic treatment, you will receive dental treatment from the most qualified professionals around. You are smart to select a board certified orthodontist.
- Invisalign Orthodontics
- BracesSeeking orthodontic treatment—especially early on—is a smart investment at Midwest Orthodontic Associates. Whether your braces are made of metal, ceramic or clear aligners, orthodontic treatment can be less costly than the care required to fix the dental problems later resulting from poor tooth alignment and occlusion.