- Divorce
- Child Custody and VisitationUnfortunately, innocent people get wrongly accused of domestic violence all the time in California. Often times, an accuser will make a false allegation of domestic abuse out of anger or jealousy, or to gain the upper hand in divorce or child custody proceedings. Sometimes what appears to the police to be a domestic battery was really an accident, or the arrested person having acted in self-defense during a mutual struggle. (Please visit our page on the California laws of self-defense for further discussion).
- Criminal DefenseCertain convictions can prevent you from holding a variety of jobs. Experienced criminal defense attorneys, whether they are for private hire, serve as public defenders, or are appointed by the court, know about the criminal justice system — how it works, which options are available to a defendant, and what the likely outcomes of different options are. Whenever possible, get the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney when you are charged with a crime!
- DUI/DWIThere are two, three or more entities that may review your case and have the authority to order consequences on a DUI...
- Traffic ViolationsAn infraction is a minor violation. Many traffic violations are infractions. The punishment for infractions is usually a fine, and if the defendant pays the fine, there is no jail time.
- Sex CrimesIn the majority of cases, domestic violence is considered a misdemeanor, however, this can be upgraded to a felony if you have a prior record, there was serious bodily harm caused to the victim or this is a sexual assault. Charges can also be considered a felony if the victim was a minor. When charged with a misdemeanor, you may be charged a fine of up to $2,000 and could spend up to 1 year in county jail. In Northern California, this is typically 1 to three years of formal probation. If you’ve been charged with a felony, you may have to attend a lengthy domestic violence class and may spend up to 4 years in state prison. This sentence could be extended depending on your criminal record and the amount of harm done to the victim. Regardless of whether the charge was a misdemeanor or felony, you could also be prohibited from ever coming into contact with the victim again. If you are found guilty of the charges, it is possible that the victim could even file a civil lawsuit after the court case to recover compensation for their injuries.
- RobberyThey take any type of case they can get. The law is very complex and lawyers can spend years working on cases before they become highly knowledgeable. That means you should seek out someone who works exclusively on your type of case. The lawyer who also takes personal injury claims, divorces, or robbery cases is probably not the right lawyer for you.
- BurglaryGenerally, whether or not you will have to spend time in jail or prison if you are convicted will depend upon a number of circumstances. Some of the factors which are used in determining punishment include: the type of drug involved, whether there are aggravating circumstances involved in your arrest (Murder, robbery, burglary, assault, etc.), if you have prior drug related convictions, and similar details.
- Theft
- MisdemeanorsLegislation was recently passed which provides for a diversion program for many misdemeanor charges. This new misdemeanor diversion law gives superior court Judges the authority to offer a diversion program to a person charged with a qualifying misdemeanor. This is significant because in the past, diversion could only be approved by the District Attorney’s office, and they often opposed diversion. So, the Judge can order diversion even if the prosecutor handling the case objects.
- Drug CrimesIt is very important that you hire a California drug defense attorney is you are arrested for a drug related offense including drug possession, drug transportation, drug manufacturing or drug distribution. A conviction on these charges could result in a lengthy prison sentence or collateral consequences—e.g. trouble finding safe and decent housing, termination of government provided benefits, or loss of employment. These types of cases will require a thorough investigation into the state’s case against you.
- Assault
- MurderFormerly incarcerated firefighter: AB 2147 created a special avenue to relief for people who have served as a state or county incarcerated individual hand crew member and are released from custody. Cal. Penal Code § 1203.4b. If the person “adequately performed their duties without any conduct that warranted removal from the program,” they may petition the court, in the county where they were sentenced, for relief from all sentences they were serving at the time of their hand crew service. Certain offenses are excluded (murder, kidnapping, specified sex offenses, escape, and arson), the person must not be currently facing any charges. The court, “in its discretion and in the interest of justice” may set-aside the guilty verdict or allow the person to withdraw the plea, dismiss the charges. This releases the person from “all penalties and disabilities,” except as provided in Section 13555 of the Vehicle Code, with certain conditions: in a subsequent prosecution, the prior conviction is treated as if it was not dismissed. Further, the order does not relieve the defendant of the obligation to disclose the conviction in response to a question in certain licensure applications, does not permit firearm possession, and does not permit the holding of public office if the conviction would prohibit it. Id. To be eligible for this relief, the person is not required to have completed complete probation, parole, or supervised release. The court, in providing this relief, “shall” order early termination of probation, parole, or supervised release if the person has not violated any terms or conditions of supervision.
- Probation ViolationIn addition to appealing after a trial, there are other situations when you can file an appeal, like appealing the validity of a plea or probation violations. Talk to your lawyer to learn more about your options to appeal.
- Arson
- Restraining OrderIn cases where a criminal protective order or restraining order is issued against you, you may face travel restrictions and lose the ability to see your children in the future in addition to the many consequences mentioned above.
- Kidnapping
- Corporate Law
- Employment Contract
- Property DamageWe are able to offer affordable representation on your DUI, including driving while suspended, DUI causing property damage or injury, and underage drinking issues. We protect your rights, freedom, and financial future, providing experienced advice and detailed information to individuals experiencing difficult times.
- Personal InjuryPersonal injury cases are legal disputes that arise when one person suffers harm from an accident or injury.