- Divorce
- Child SupportThe skiptracing service of Blue 22 Investigations is utilized on a daily basis by our clients to locate individuals and businesses for a variety of reasons including service of process, collections, child support and witness/defendant matters. We have successfully located thousands of defendants and witnesses through our search methods.
- Child Custody and VisitationBlue 22 Investigations provides information and documentation needed to make important decisions. Our investigators are very experienced in handling sensitive matters that involve personal situations. Since our beginning in 1980, Blue 22 has investigated thousands of domestic related or child custody situations on behalf of our legal and professional clientele. We understand the need for confidentiality and discretion.
- Premarital Agreement
- Criminal DefenseThis search is conducted for Federal criminal matters by US District locations. The search provides a federal criminal history index using the subject’s full name and date of birth as the search criteria. Additional costs may be necessary for verification of common names over multiple US Districts.
- EmbezzlementEmployee theft or embezzlement accounts for the failure of at least 20 percent of all businesses each year. A routine audit seldom uncovers such impropriety and the majority of fraud goes undetected.
- KidnappingThe Blue 22 team understands how incredibly stressful a missing persons situation can be. In the event of a kidnapping or the sudden disappearance of a loved one, the burden can be absolutely overwhelming. Our team can be there for you, working independently to track down and find the missing individual, all while law-enforcement conducts it’s own separate investigation into the matter (in situations where the police are involved).
- Mergers and AcquisitionsBlue 22 Investigations has been instrumental in assisting our professional clients in developing background information for potential or pending mergers or acquisitions. Law firms, investment bankers, accounting firms and corporations utilize our specialized research and investigative skills to provide background information on both companies and principals prior to the merger or acquisition.
- Workers CompensationName and social security number needed for this search. Provides prior worker compensation history index through the individual State Industrial or Worker Compensation Commission. Access to this information is determined by state searched and may not be available in all States. An offer of employment is required before this inquiry can be made, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Sexual HarassmentCorporations and executives need to be aware and sensitive to their corporate environment. Sexual harassment situations in the workplace must not be tolerated and a company must take precautions to insure a safe and comfortable workplace for all. At the first notice of any harassment, or an allegation of such, a company must take action to rectify the situation. The company must also make sure that the working environment is suitable and comfortable for all individuals.
- Personal InjuryBlue 22 Investigations has been conducting personal injury investigations since its inception in 1980. Our investigators are very experienced in preparing a personal injury matter for settlement or trial. Whether the plaintiff or defense contracts our agency, we understand the need to document the events, determine the potentially liable parties and assess the damages.