- AntsThis product kills Carpenter ants and many common varieties of household ants such as Acrobat, Argentine, Bigheaded, Crazy, Field, Fire, Harvester, Lasius, Little Black, Pavement, Pharaoh, Odorous House and Thief Ants.
- SpidersWhen it comes to controlling cockroaches and spiders, nothing beats the surefire dependability of Demon® WP. With its convenient packaging and easy-to-mix formula, Demon WP provides quick knockdown and long lasting residual activity on a variety of surfaces, both indoors and outdoors. Demon WP is also labeled for the control of more than 30 other pests.
- TermitesTermidor SC Termite Control works better and faster than termite bait stations, and unlike many termiticides, it does not leave unpleasant odors behind.
- Bed BugsBed bugs are making a comeback, and a nasty one at that!. These products are recommended for killing bedbugs.
- FleasPrecor (a.i. Methoprene 1.0 %): Odorless IGR concentrate which keeps immature fleas from growing into reproducing adults - thus breaking their life cycle. Used alone, Precor will prevent indoor flea infestations for three months or more. Precor IGR targets fleas in the egg and larval stages of development. As a result, pre-adult fleas cannot produce new infestations of breeding, biting adults. Precor IGR prevents adult fleas from emerging for 7 months! Precor also provides excellent control of cigarette beetle populations.
- CockroachesNew Maxforce® FC Magnum is the most powerful cockroach bait gel ever. Whether cockroaches eat it, touch it or share it, Maxforce FC Magnum kills more roaches faster than any other single product.
- Silverfish
- BeesApicide is effective for treating bees, wasps, and hornets in wall voids. The entrance where the bees are entering, whether is be a hornets nest entrance or the entrance to a wall, can be dusted. The bees track this dust deep inside the nest killing the bees as they brush up against the "infested" bee or as the bees groom each other, etc.
- WaspsThe Prozap Insect Guard kills and repels insects, mosquitos, flies and wasps. It treats up to 1200 cubic ft. Just hang in any indoor area where insects are a problem. Contains DDVP (Vapona). Use Prozap in homes, offices, farm buildings and other areas. Time release action lasts up to 4 months. Safe for use around humans and pets.
- TicksTicks. For use on swine, beef, dairy cattle, horses, sheep and goats. One quart makes up to 200 galllons of spray. Mix 1 quart to 20 gallons oil for back rubber use.
- CricketsNon-repellent Transport Mikron provides fast-acting, long-lasting control of bed bugs, ants, crickets and over 30 other pests, including pyrethroid-resistant insects. Transport Mikron is formulated with a powerful combination of two active ingredients: bifenthrin, the same trusted active ingredient found in Talstar® insecticide, and acetamiprid, for enhanced speed of kill. This one-two punch delivers lightning-fast control and enduring residual protection to even your toughest pest control accounts.
- Earwigs
- MosquitoesDemand CS achieves knockdown of Bed Bugs, Roaches and most other pests within 20 minutes. Demand CS delivers unsurpassed residual that kills Bedbugs and Roaches for several months due to its unique capsule suspension of lambda-cyhalothrin, even at extremely low use rates. For superior perimeter protection of general and nuisance pests including mosquitoes, ants, flying insects and spiders, harness the power of iCAP™ Technology with Demand® CS.
- FliesThis pioneering unit, now in its fourth decade of service, provides the standard of reliability against which other foggers are measured. It's in daily use for such diverse applications as controlling odors, disinfecting and sanitizing, carpet mildew control, flood and fire damage restoration, controlling mosquitos, flies and other insects, dispensing water for humidification and dust control and a host of innovative applications.
- Centipedes
- Millipedes
- BeetlesTimbor is an insecticide, fungicide and wood preservative for the protection and treatment of lumber against fungal decay and wood destroying insects. Timbor is a water soluble, inorganic borate salt with insecticidal and fungicidal properties. It is an effective treatment for wood to kill and prevent infestations of decay fungi including white rot, brown rot (i.e. Poria) and wet rots. Timbor is also effective for the prevention and control of wood destroying insects such as Subterranean Termites, Drywood Termites, Dampwood Termites, Powderpost Beetles, “False” Powderpost Beetles, Deathwatch and Furniture Beetles, Old House Borers, Carpenter Ants, and Bark and Timber Beetles
- Scorpions
- HornetsApicide is a 5% carbaryl (Sevin) dust in a ready-to-use applicator canister with a 6" extension straw for pinpoint and effective elimination of honey bees, carpenter bees and wasps including yellowjackets and hornets.
- YellowjacketsAn effective, versatile and non-poisonous trap that can be used to lure a variety of flying insects such as flies, yellow jackets, and fruit flies. Through a special design and various baits, insects fly into holes at the top of the bottle and are unable to escape.
- MothsEliminate clothes moth infestations in textile storage areas such as closets, dressers, attics, or wherever you need to prevent moths from feeding on natural fibers like wool and silk. Each Catchmaster® Clothes Moth Trap includes a highly-effective odorless pheromone attractant. Use these traps to control infestations, or to detect new moth activity.
- Mites
- GnatsRepels West Nile and Zika carrying mosquitoes. Also kills and repels flies, gnats, wasp and other mosquitoes.
- FirebratsSuspend SC Insecticide is effective in controlling ants, bedbugs, bees, beetles, box elder bugs, carpenter bees, carpet beetles, centipedes, cigarette beetles, clover mites, cockroaches, confused flour beetles, crickets, earwigs, gnats, firebrats, fleas, flies, lesser grain borers, midges, millipedes, mosquitoes, red flour beetles, rice weevils, saw-toothed grain beetles, scorpions, silverfish, sowbugs, spiders, spider mites above ground termites, ticks, wasps and other pests.
- Midges
- Sow Bugs
- Boxelder Bugs
- Moles
- SnakesSnake-A-Way is the worlds only EPA approved, university tested, patented snake repellent. It has been proven effective against both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes. When used and applied as directed it is safe to humans, animals and plant life. It has been universally approved and endorsed by naturalists, conservationists and ecologists.
- Birds
- SparrowsThe vast majority of birds are beneficial and a pleasure to observe. However, there are three nuisance birds which have been known to damage property and are carriers of disease. These birds are pigeons, starlings, and English Sparrows.
- Starlings
- Pigeons
- RodentsIt features a unique oil-based formula with an excellent blend of saturated and unsaturated fats, together with a comprehensive manufacturing process which guarantees maximum contact of the soft bait to the sachet to help increase bait acceptance.
- MiceTalon-G is scientifically proven to deliver the fastest knockdown for rats and mice. This unique mini-pellet formulation is preferred by pest control professionals for its high acceptance, superior efficacy and broad use label. Talon-G only requires a low dosage of the anticoagulant brodificoum, which often eliminates the common problem of bait shyness.
- RatsMake your own traps any size or shape to fit your needs! Use wherever rats, mice or crawling insects are a problem. Catchmaster Bulk Glue contains no toxicants or poisons and is particularly suited, and approved, for use in areas where pesticides are prohibited or undesirable. Can be heated make application easier.