- Criminal DefenseAnyone who is arrested and charged with a crime will need to make sure they take the correct approach during their case. Whether an offense is relatively minor or involves serious penalties, a conviction will affect many areas of a person's life. To make sure these matters will be addressed correctly, it is important to secure representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney. Attorney Khaled Issa has been representing clients in criminal cases for more than 10 years, and he also provides legal help in personal injury matters. To learn how our firm can help with your case, contact us today at 708-966-2408 and set up a consultation.
- DUI/DWIAccusations of drunk or intoxicated driving may occur in a variety of situations. Police officers may pull people over when they observe erratic behavior by drivers or have other reasons to suspect that a person is operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Suspicions of drunk driving may also arise during routine traffic stops due to an officer's obseravations of a driver's behavior. When a person is arrested for DUI, they will need to understand how to protect their rights and what they can do to avoid a conviction and prevent the loss of their driver's license.
- RobberyOffenses that are considered to be "crimes against persons" may involve injuries or harm affecting other people. We can assist with cases involving assault, domestic battery, robbery, or reckless conduct.
- Drug CrimesPossession of controlled substances may lead to criminal charges, and penalties will increase if you are charged with manufacturing or delivering drugs. We can provide a strong defense against these charges.
- Personal InjuryCall our office at 708-966-2408 or fill out our online contact form to get legal help with criminal defense or personal injury matters.