- Divorce
- GuardianshipDuring times of crisis, families need a place to turn. When a loved one becomes disabled and can’t manage their own affairs, you may need the courts to gain authority to act for on their behalf. A court can grant guardianship authority when the disabled person has not made an advanced plan. There are many steps and potential pitfalls in managing a court-ordered guardianship. Our office has in-depth experience and can assist you with this process.
- AnnulmentMarriage Certificate — A certified copy of the applicant’s marriage certificate, as well as proof of termination of any previous marriage(s) ( e.g., divorce decree, death certificate, or record of annulment) must be submitted.
- Criminal DefenseCourt and Prison Records — A certified copy of the applicant’s criminal record, and record of confinement in any correctional institution, if any, must be submitted. A complete certified record, including arrest record, complaint, indictment, and sentencing record is required regardless of when the offense occurred or any intervening amnesty, pardon, or expungement. Also be certain to include a copy of the statute under which the client was convicted and sentenced. Be careful to assess admissibility before applying for an immigrant visa. Criminal matters should be discussed in advance with the consular officer. An advisory opinion from the DOS Visa Office should be obtained in advance of the IV interview on questions of inadmissibility.
- Wrongful Death
- Premises LiabilityWe handle auto accident, premises liability cases, dram shop actions, slip and fall cases, and wrongful death actions.
- Family ImmigrationSum cum laude from Saint Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, and her J.D. from DePaul University in Chicago. She began her career as a lawyer with the Cook County Public Guardian’s office in Chicago, where she represented abused and neglected children in Juvenile Court, and adult individuals requiring a guardian over their persons and estates in Probate Court. She has been a partner with Carpenter & Capt, since 1995, managing their new locations in Michigan since 2010. She is a general practitioner in Berrien County, Michigan, focusing on real estate and probate matters. She also assists the firm with family-based immigration matters, including DACA and waiver applicants. She is passionate about her work with families in all respects, and enjoys helping families with legal issues in general.
- Green Cards
- Removal DefenseCarpenter & Capt provides high-quality Removal Defense work on behalf of foreign nationals in Removal Proceedings. We aggressively pursue cancellation of removal, asylum, withholding of removal, CAT relief, 212(h) waivers (including
- Personal Injury
- Medical MalpracticeWe represent injured individuals and their families against responsible parties and their insurance companies. We handle auto accident, premises liability cases, dram shop actions, slip and fall cases, and wrongful death actions. Our settlements include millions of dollars of results in recent years, against virtually every large insurer in the United States. Mr. Carpenter helped a past client recover a record settlement of over $8,000,000.00 for the matriarch of a family who was not treated for a pneumothorax after an auto accident. Her injuries including brain damage; the recovery was made against a Chicago hospital insurer after filing and litigating a medical malpractice claim. We always charge contingency fees, so if you don’t recover, neither do we.
- Auto Accidents
- Estate PlanningAdvance estate planning is always a better course for many reasons. The cornerstone of estate planning is to plan in the event of death. A will can express the division of your assets, the administrator of your estate, the guardians for your minor children, and even burial arrangements. Equally important are “survivor” tools: the patient advocate designation and durable financial power of attorney in the event of a disabling condition. These documents pre-designate agents to act in your stead in the event of disability. The savings in time, expense and emotional toll are great. Advance planning is definitely key for smooth transitions through life’s travels.
- Wills
- Power of Attorney
- Probate
- Tax LawPatricia handles real estate tax appeals in Michigan, and has an almost perfect success rate with the Michigan Tax Tribunal. In 2022, she won an appeal to the Michigan Court of Appeals, appealing a Principal Residence Exemption denial on behalf of a client. The matter was remanded for a new hearing to the MTT, and the Tribunal granted the exemption. (JGP vs. Berrien County Treasurer, Court of Appeals No. 357370, May 19, 2022...