- Auto InsuranceHaving the right auto insurance is important. Auto insurance pays for your repairs and medical bills upon having an accident. However not all insurance is the same. If you are looking for auto insurance that offers great coverage but won’t break the bank, you’ve found the right place. Bernardi Insurance Agency has experts on hand to help you find the right coverage at the right price.
- Motorcycle InsuranceInsurance King has helped drivers drive legal for less since 2001. The home office is based in Rockford, IL which is where it was founded. We write policies in multiple states, such as: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Our claim to fame is cheap car insurance. Among our many services, we offer motorcycle insurance, SR-22 insurance, SR-50’s, FR Bonds, and renters insurance. Our agency is an independent insurance agency, and we are members of the IIA. Many insurance companies represent our clients, therefore we can search for the best rate and coverage for your needs. The agency not only offers the state minimum liability required by law, but can insure with much higher liability limits. Our goal is to keep drivers safe while driving. But, our number one goal is to help save your hard earned money. View our Site in Spanish.
- Renters Insurance