- HighlightsFollowing our discussion, you will undergo a detailed examination that highlights the exact sources of your discomfort. All of this information helps us use the Gonstead technique to perform an adjustment with your absolute best interest in mind.
- Chiropractic AdjustmentsWhat can you be doing right now to increase your health and decrease your risk of illness? Is it take the proper supplements? Get some exercise in? Alter your diet? Get your stress under control? Get better sleep? Get regular Chiropractic adjustments? There are LOTS of ideas. Just pick one and start there!
- SubluxationThe Gonstead System – This principle begins with the body’s foundation. It seeks to identify interferences, also known as subluxations, and correct them to restore normal alignment and range of motion. Babies to elderly adults can benefit from this technique.
- Pediatric ChiropracticTrained in the Palmer Package Techniques from their alma mater, Palmer College of Chiropractic, both Dr. Marley and Dr. Heather specialize in the Gonstead and Webster adjusting techniques as well as chiropractic for children. Although our practice is well-versed in several methodologies, Livin’ Well Family Chiropractic most commonly performs the Gonstead technique.