Godtoons Intl/Dove Publications
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Living by faith in God, I am Christian cartoonist Fred Bacskay. May God Richly Bless You.
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Godtoons Intl/ Dove Publications P.O. Box 13566/ Chesapeake/ Virginia 23325 USA Toll free 866.411.0132 E-mail addresses- fredbacskay@verizon.net fredbacskay@earthlink.net Visit my Christian websites on the world-wide-web. www.godtoons.org www.DovePub.net Our words are written in heaven, spoken on Earth. Living by faith in God... I am a Christian cartoonist and prose writer, Fred Bacskay. May God bless you in everything you put your hand to with your total heart and mind. God will direct the course of your life upon the face and waters of the nations if you will trust Him. Know for yourself Jehovah God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost who lives inside of Christian men and women. They desire to have a personal relationship with you as your Lord and Savior. If you will respond to their calling, no matter what age you are, you will realize that Jesus is the greatest person you could ever live for. Jesus is Lord of all, even to those who don't receive Him! Won't you make your peace with Him today before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord Jesus Christ when all things will be said and done for eternity? Fred Bacskay