- DivorceConsidering divorce, but do you Have a plan? Join Chattanooga Tennessee Divorce and Family Law on Facebook and learn more about
- Child SupportSometimes, after a divorce, you need to make changes. You may need to change child custody. Or you must ask the Court to enforce its orders. Perhaps you need to modify child support. Likewise, your former spouse may ask the Court for relief. Our divorce lawyers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, help you with these post divorce issues. Also, there are issues that need to be resolved between unmarried people. There are many children born outside of a marriage. When this relationship ends the issues of paternity, child custody and child support arise. Purple Law Firm’s family law attorneys in Chattanooga are also skilled in all of these issues.
- Child Custody and VisitationFamily law attorneys help with issues like child custody and support, and divorce. Also, domestic violence, juvenile court issues and the like. A domestic relations attorney deals with legal issues involving the family.
- AdoptionThere are times that a step-parent decides to make the step-parent / step-child relationship a permanent parent/child relationship though adoption. Perhaps the natural father or mother of the child is deceased. Or the natural parent abandoned the child. Whatever the reason, Purple Law Firm helps step-parents adopt their step children. Thus making the relationship permanent. Now, you need to contact Purple Law Firm. Schedule an appointment and speak to our Chattanooga adoption attorneys about step-parent adoption.
- Paternity
- Spousal SupportProperty division – your personal and real property are divided. Sometimes, you must sell your home and other assets. Moreover, retirement accounts are divided. As well the debts of the marriage are assigned to the parties. In addition, if there are minor children then we prepare a parenting plan. Child custody, and parenting decision-making is designated. Finally, the process sets child support. Alimony is also a possible issue in a divorce. Some cases, also involve violence, abuse or drug/alcohol problems. These problems require legal experience and expertise. So turn to a Chattanooga divorce lawyer from Purple Law Firm.
- Child AbuseCertainly at times a parent, even perhaps both parents, present a danger or potential danger to the child. These cases involve very complicated legal issues. Drug or alcohol abuse, physical or sexual child abuse, improper living conditions, neglect, lack of parental responsibility, and many other problems arise which need serious legal intervention. The courts must protect the child but also ensure constitutional rights to the parents. Many potential solutions exist, including restricted and supervised visitation, counseling, treatment, and more.
- Criminal DefenseGet the answers to what is criminal law and insights into the criminal justice system. If you or a loves is arrested and charged with a criminal offense you need a defense lawyer.
- DUI/DWIDUI- Driving under the influence of intoxicants, including alcohol, marijuana, illegal narcotics, and some prescription drugs. Conviction of a DUI offense can lead to a revoked drivers license. Multiple convictions of a DUI offense can lead to felony charges. The penalties for a DUI conviction are very tough in Tennessee. Retain an experienced DUI attorney to defend your legal rights...
- Traffic Violations
- MisdemeanorsA misdemeanor means being arrested and accused of committing a less serious crime. The penalties range from fines to jail time for up to 11 months 29 days for a Class “A” misdemeanor.
- Estate PlanningThe Estate Planning Attorney at Purple Law Firm provides you a complete plan for the future. Because estate planning is life planning. Chattanooga attorney Jim Purple planning estates since 1982, is personally experienced with the advantages of effective estate planning. When life events occur, an effective plan helps eliminate stress. Estate planning involves choosing who will take care of you, your health care, your financial issues. Here are just a few of the estate planning services we provide...
- WillsThere is a common misconception that a trust is for the wealthy. Further, average people do not have enough assets to justify a trust. The reality is that not all people need a trust. But, most people get more benefits from a trust than from a standard last will and testament. A trust centered estate plan is the foundation of a wise retirement plan. You are never too young to start your retirement plan.
- TrustsA revocable living trust is a contract which is entered into during your lifetime, which determines how your property ( assets ) is to be managed by you or someone you designate for your benefit. (or the benefit of you and your spouse) while you are still living, determine how your assets are to be managed or distributed after your death. A trust is typically revocable and amendable during your lifetime. This means that you may amend or change the trust to meet your changing circumstances and desires. Or, you may revoke the trust completely.
- Power of AttorneyPower of attorney remains effective and survives a disability including incompetence. However, a durable general power of attorney ends at your death. Under Tennessee law any power of attorney is extinguished at the instance of death. Likewise, never attempt to write your own power of attorney, it could be a disaster.
- Probate
- BankruptcyWhile multiple forms of bankruptcy provide debt relief, only two pertain to most individuals and small businesses. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows for complete discharge or erasure of most if not all debts. On the other hand, Chapter 13 allows for a structured repayment of debts through a court approved plan. All of your questions and concerns will be addressed during your video meeting with our Chattanooga bankruptcy team.