- Auto InsuranceThe critics don't say that about home insurance or health insurance, or car insurance. Why in the world would they say that about Long Term Care Insurance? The threat of long term care is greater than all three of the other risks combined. I don't know about you, but I don't go to bed at night thinking, "Hum, I haven't used my car insurance for the last 30 years and look at all the money I've wasted, I sure hope I get to use it tomorrow!" or "I pay all this money for health insurance, I sure hope something happens so I can use it!"and "I haven't had a fire, or had a home invasion lately..." Well, you get the picture.
- Home Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Long Term CareThere are long term care policies available for same sex couples. Genworth offers a 40% discount to couples who have been together for three consecutive years and in a committed relationship as partners and