- Arthritis
- Primary Care
- GlaucomaGlaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. Sometimes called the “silent thief of sight,” Glaucoma can damage your vision so gradually that you don’t notice any loss of vision until the disease is at an advanced stage.
- OphthalmologyAt Carolina Ophthalmology, we strive to make your visit pleasant and stress free! We hope the following information will help you prepare for your visit with us.
- Macular DegenerationMacular degeneration is a term used for over 1500 conditions that affect central vision. Sharp, clear central vision is processed by the macula (also sometimes called the fovea), which is the central part of the retina and is about the size of a grain of rice. Macular degeneration (MD) occurs when the layer of the retina responsible for nourishing and carrying away waste products, starts to function less effectively as it ages. Cells in the macula break down, causing a gradual or sudden loss of sight in the central part of vision but leaving the peripheral vision unaffected. Although people do not lose all their sight, reading, recognition of faces, watching television and driving are very difficult or impossible.
- Laser Eye Surgery“After I was able to see 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other, my wife decided that she needed the same freedom from glasses. She had the LASIK procedure with the same level of success and satisfaction. Somehow she is the one with the cool sunglasses.”
- CataractsTake our self-evaluation test and hear from Polly, our surgical coordinator. You can also schedule a cataract evaluation appointment with our surgeon, Dr. Nicole Penke by calling 919-945-3937.
- Cataract SurgeryDr. Penke’s goal is to make sure patients understand their eyes, their diagnoses and treatment. She strongly believes in patient education. For cataract surgery, she is experienced with standard phacoemulsification cataract procedures as well as laser assisted cataract surgery and advanced technology lenses such as multifocal and toric implants.
- Eye ExamHeather can help you schedule your appointment and answer any questions you may have about your upcoming eye exam. You’re also welcome to
- Internal MedicineDr. Bryan graduated from the University Of North Carolina School of Medicine in 1983. He completed an internship in Internal Medicine at the Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.
- Diabetes Care
- Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic retinopathy is a condition occurring in persons with diabetes. Over time, the disease causes progressive damage to the retina, the sensitive lining at the back of the eye. Diabetes is a disease that interferes with the body’s ability to use and store sugar, which can cause many health problems. Too much sugar in the blood can cause damage throughout the body. Over time, diabetes affects the circulatory system of the retina inside the eye.
- LesionsPingueculae are relatively common non-malignant, raised yellow-white fleshy lesions that are typically found near the edge of the cornea.