- Drop In$15.00
- 5 Class Pack ($16 Per Class)$70.00Expires 4/20/19. Students with a valid ID will receive a 10 percent discount.
- Teen (Ages 13-17 Years) 10 Class Series$120.00
- 10 Class Pack ($15 Per Class)$145.00Expires 4/20/19. Students and Teachers with a valid ID will receive a 10% discount.
- 1 Month Unlimited$150.00Expires 5/21/18.
- Buddy Pack$200.00Expires 5/21/18. share with a buddy.
- 20 Class Pack ($13 Per Class)$260.00Students and Teachers with a valid ID will receive a 10% discount.
- Student Special (3 Months)$300.00Expires 7/21/18.
- 30 Class Pack ($12 Per Class)$360.00Expires 4/21/19. Students and Teachers with a valid ID will receive a 10% discount.
- 50 Class Pack ($11 Per Class)$499.00Expires 4/21/19. Students and Teachers with a valid ID will receive a 10% discount.
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