- Tax PlanningFollowing the passage of this legislation, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued detailed rules on these privacy notices, including to whom they should apply. In those rules, the FTC defined "financial institutions" to include all those who provide "financial or investment advisory services." In turn, the FTC rules chose to broadly interpret "financial or investment advisory activities" to cover "tax planning and tax preparation."
- Tax Services
- Income TaxMost of the documents on this page are in PDF format, so you will need the Acrobat Reader to view them.
- Tax Return Preparation
- Accounting Services
- Bookkeeping Services
- Financial PlanningIn compliance with the FTC rules, printed below is our firm's current Privacy Disclosure Statement. Be assured that this firm has always considered our professional relationship with you to be one requiring the utmost trust and confidence. In order to provide you with comprehensive tax and financial planning information, we from time to time share some of your personal data with other service providers who may be able to assist you with your overall tax and financial plans. We consider this information-sharing to form a valuable part of the services that you are able to provide to you. If you do not wish this information-sharing to continue for whatever reason, please contact us and we will make arrangements to comply with your request. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions whatsoever about this notice.