- Deep Tissue Massage
- Hot Stone Massage$160From the heat of the stones and the energy of the stones themselves La Stone hot stone massage truly lends to a very deep sense of relaxation that can be more difficult to obtain in a regular massage.
- Prenatal MassagePregnancy Massage is essential to a woman at a time when her body is going through major transformations. As the hormones change and the body prepares itself for giving birth, the body literally begins to shift and expand. This process can put pressure on muscles and impinge nerves and the circulatory system. The hormonal change can also increase the feelings of everyday stress. What better way to support yourself through this time than to receive a massage?
- Medical MassageMost of my massage therapy training, since becoming licensed in 2002, has been in medical massage, structural integration, and myofascial work. I love problem solving, and helping people with their pain can sometimes be a puzzle to solve. This is the work I love doing the most. It is so rewarding watching people get out of pain and live a higher quality of life!
- Full Body MassageA reflexology session begins with a nice, warm foot soak in sea salt and essential oils followed by an exfoliation. Afterwards, you lie down on a comfortable massage table to have reflex points in your feet massaged with oils. These points relate to various places throughout the body, i.e., heart, lungs, colon, and sinuses. Massaging these various points affects your overall health and can help to clear out any congested areas within the body. After a session, people often feel they have had a full-body massage.
- Reflexology Massage
- HighlightsNod, ask questions, and repeat back some of the highlights of what you heard them say. This engages your listening skills and lets them know you actually WERE listening.
- AcupunctureDo you have chronic pain or tension in your body? If so, deep tissue massage is what you need. Maybe you have had a car accident, past sports injuries, or an injury of any kind, and have not felt the same since. I have had multiple clients come to me with chronic issues they thought would never get resolved. They tried physical therapy, pain meds and muscle relaxers, and even acupuncture. Nothing worked until they began receiving regular massage therapy. It was at this time they started seeing results and experiencing lasting benefits.