- Life InsurancePLEASE REVIEW THIS WEBSITE PRIVACY STATEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE PROVIDING YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. USING THIS WEBSITE SIGNIFIES YOUR AGREEMENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS WEBSITE PRIVACY STATEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BELOW, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR WEBSITE TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR COVERAGE OR TO CONDUCT CUSTOMER SERVICE TRANSACTIONS. This Website privacy statement describes how information may be collected and used on Oxford.com, (called the "Website"). The content of this Website is owned and controlled by Oxford Life Insurance Company. We may change our policies pertaining to information privacy and security at any time. However, if we make changes, we will update our Website Privacy Statement and display the date the change was effective. This Website Privacy Statement is published to describe how we collect, use, and safeguard the Personally Identifiable Information (or “PII†) you provide on this Website and to assist you in making informed decisions when using it. This Website is intended only for use within the USA and its territories. If you use this Website from a location other than within the jurisdiction of the USA or its territories, your PII will be transferred to the USA. By using this Website and providing your PII you are consenting to the processing of your information according to the laws of the USA, its many states and territories.
- Health InsuranceIf you have health insurance coverage, there are some additional privacy standards that apply to you. Remember, PII includes specific health and financial information, as well as personal identifiers and demographic information about you.
- Long Term Care2 Product availability and accelerated benefit features may vary by state. Please refer to Policy SPWL500, ADB-CIR, ADB-NHR and state variations where applicable. Death benefits, cash values and loan values will be reduced upon payment of an accelerated benefit. The accelerated benefits offered under this policy may or may not qualify for favorable tax treatment under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Whether such benefits qualify depends on factors such as your life expectancy at the time benefits are accelerated or whether you use the benefits to pay for necessary long-term care expenses, such as nursing home care. If the acceleration of benefits qualifies for favorable tax treatment, the benefits will be excluded from your income and not subject to Federal taxation. However, accelerated benefit payments may be taxable by your state. Tax laws relating to accelerated benefits are complex. You should consult a qualified tax advisor for specific information. Receipt of an accelerated benefit payment may adversely affect you, your spouse's or your family's eligibility for medical assistance (Medicaid), Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), supplementary Social Security Income (SSI), and drug assistance programs. You should consult with a qualified advisor and with social services agencies regarding how receipt of such payment may affect eligibility for such programs. NOTE: The benefits provided in the accelerated benefits rider of the Prosperity Select policy are not long-term care (LTC) insurance.
- AnnuitiesAnnuities are a safe and vital way to ensure you will not outlive your money. As part of a retirement strategy, annuities can guarantee a potential lifetime income.