- Tax PlanningAny successful tax planning strategy requires you to maintain records of all transactions and receipts that may affect your tax return. This helps to keep track of important documents and avoid forgetting about transactions that occur months before the tax filing deadline.
- Tax Services• Information we receive from you on applications, tax preparation worksheets, other documents we use in preparing your tax return, or other forms; and
- Real Estate Taxes
- Tax DeductionsIt involves maintaining accounts, filing the tax returns, calculating tax deductions and the payment of the tax itself. With all this in place, tax planning, can help reduce your future tax burdens.
- Income TaxThe Internal Revenue Service has provided this application is to help employees to ensure that they do not have too much or too little income tax withheld from their pay. It is not a replacement for Form W-4, but most people will find it more accurate and easier to use than the worksheets that accompany Form W-4. You may use the results of this program to help you complete a new Form W-4, which you will submit to your employer.
- Tax Return Preparation
- Mutual FundsWhen you sell a stock or mutual fund, you must know the cost basis for the shares you sell. This information will come from your records.
- Accounting Services
- Payroll Services
- Financial PlanningTax and Financial Planning are two of the most important things we can do, but they are also the most overlooked
- Retirement Planning
- Annuities
- College Funding