- AntsAnts can be more than just a nuisance. They can congregate in your pantries and ruin your food supplies. They can make your home uninviting to guests, and, if not dealt with immediately, can even damage the wooden framework of your property!
- TermitesEvery year, termites cause over $5 billion worth of damage to homes across the nation. They not only pose a serious threat to homeowners, but also to builders, contractors, and repairmen too! What happens to their reputation after termites have chewed through their work?
- Bed BugsBed bugs have been around since the dawn of time. They probably bit cavemen who were sleeping too. But in today’s modern age, there is only one call to make when you are experiencing a bed bug infestation. That call is to Expert Pest Control!
- FleasDon’t stress over seeing fleas after treatment. Their cocoons protect them from the insecticide. They will die once exposed.
- CockroachesYour home or business is a paradise to cockroaches. It presents opportunities for food, warmth, and a place where they can populate in overwhelming numbers, all year round. Cockroaches are masters at getting into your home or business through cracks, crevices, sewer pipes or can be brought in with boxes or used equipment and can be notoriously hard to eliminate on your own. You need the experienced services of true cockroach elimination specialists who can fix your issues for good. You need comprehensive roach-killing services from Expert Pest Control.
- BeesCarpenter bees can be a nuisance to homeowners. Though males do not sting, and females rarely attack, they can tunnel into your deck, porch, or other wood structures and cost you hundreds to repair the damage! They can also ruin any relaxation you have outdoors with their aggressive behavior during warm weather.
- TicksTicks are the type of insect everyone dreads. When someone hears “he’s got a tick on him,” they almost always go into a panic mode and reach for the tweezers to pull them off. And they’re right to do so.
- MosquitoesExpert Pest Control has been providing mosquito control services for over 25 years unlike the new franchise mosquito control companies arriving newly on the market. Some franchisers having no pest control experience whatsoever.
- FliesAs humans, we see flies as distasteful. They land on our food. They buzz around our ears. We make plastic swatters just for them. But the truth about flies is even worse.
- HornetsLike other insects, hornets, yellow jackets, and bees have colonies where they store their food and receive orders from their queen. Our products deliver insect-eradicating chemicals to that hive, and end the stinging threat for good. Best of all, our solutions are non-repelling, so the insects don’t become agitated and aggressive and fly into your home.
- Yellowjackets
- Stinging InsectsIs there anything more frustrating and painful than an insect sting? For such a small insect, they really pack a punch! And when you encounter a nest of angry stinging insects? The results can be dangerous, even deadly, if anyone is allergic!
- MitesYour unwanted avian intruders make too much noise, cause distraction, drop their “presents” and carry bird mites all over everything. It can truly be an unsafe and unsanitary mess.
- WildlifeExpert Pest Control, Inc is a full-service termite, pest, and wildlife control company. We were established in 1991 by Ken Honnig, not as a franchise, but as a locally-owned and operated business in Burlington NJ. We remain exactly that to this day.
- Birds
- RodentsRodents are warm blooded mammals who love to chew on EVERYTHING. This can not only be a problem for your prized possessions but can also cause great damage in and around your home! They can get anywhere – into walls and foundations, throughout attics and basements. They are sleek, streamlined survivors who are bred to seek warmth for their nests.
- Mice
- RatsAside from just getting rid of them, Expert Pest Control has studied these creatures, and knows how they think. Rats are instinctively wary of things new to their environment, including rat control measures, traps, and bait. They colonize in attics, burrows, under concrete and porches, in wall voids, and other hard-to-reach places. That is where we target them, most effectively.