- Electrocardiogram
- ImmunizationsThere are about 5.6 million workers that are at risk of exposure to highly contagious diseases. Buffalo occupational medicine prioritizes protecting employees from contagious and potentially deadly diseases by provides immunization shots for the following ailments: Seasonal Influenza vaccine, Hepatitis A and B, Twinrix (a combination of Hepatitis A and B), Tetanus-Diphtheria, M-M-R vaccine, Varicella vaccine, and more.
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeWhile not entirely in the same category as the above work skills assessments, wrist evaluations are a mainstay in the diagnosis of certain nerve compression syndromes. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome are among the most common types of neuropathy resulting from entrapped or compressed nerves at the wrist and elbow. For the employer, it is important to identify compression neuropathies in job applicants because these disorders may severely limit, restrict or even prevent an applicant from performing certain essential job functions.
- X-Rays
- Sports Medicine
- Physical TherapyEnhanced work skills assessment is a more comprehensive physical agility evaluation performed by licensed and registered doctors of physical therapy. Similar to the above standard work skills assessment, an in-depth review of the job description and functional job requirements must be performed, which very often includes personal observation of the job(s) in question. Upon completion of this step, a comprehensive physical demands analysis will be prepared and shared with you for your review and approval. The analysis is divided into three major groupings, including 1) Musculoskeletal screening, including extremity range of motion, spinal range of motion, posture assessment, strength assessment and special testing, if needed; 2) Functional activities, including aerobic fitness, mobility assessments, manual dexterities, grip strength and isometric strength; and 3) Functional lifting. The test is administered and evaluated by a physical therapist. Vitals (i.e., blood pressure and heart rate) are periodically measured during the test and they're recorded along with all tests results. At the conclusion of the test a final opinion is shared with HealthWorks' medical provider. The final medical ruling will be based on the results of the physical agility evaluation plus the medical data gathered during physical examination. Once again, the final medical ruling will only be made available to you, the employer, whereupon the job applicant will have been found to be "qualified" to perform the essential job functions or deemed "unqualified" to meet the physical qualifications of the job.