- Auto InsuranceWe Make It Simple to Find Affordable Auto Insurance Coverage Are you trying to find automobile liability insurance that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? Call Centinello Insurance Agency LLC for a car insurance quote in Buffalo, NY.
- Boat Insurance
- Renters InsuranceWhat is renters insurance? Renters insurance is a policy that covers your most important personal belongings, like your furniture, clothing, electronics, jewelry, etc. Renters insurance also includes liability protection, which covers injury to another person on your property.
- Home InsuranceOwning a home is one of the biggest assets you have, and is important to have it protected. Our agency can help you get the affordable home insurance coverage you need and the peace of mind you desire.
- Landlord InsuranceIf you own a home and rent it to others, you need a specific type of homeowners insurance, known as a "Dwelling fire" or landlord insurance policy.
- Commercial Property InsuranceBusiness Owners Policy combines commercial property insurance and general liability insurance and business personal property and/or buildings.
- Workers Compensation InsuranceBrewery bonds Get a low rate on a brewing insurance policy in Buffalo, New York. Visit Centinello Insurance Agency today to find your perfect insurance plan.
- Liability InsuranceGeneral Liability Insurance is a foundational policy that covers basic exposures for businesses. This is coverage designed to protect you in the event that you cause bodily injury and/or property damages during the course of your normal business operations.