- Pediatric CareWe want to welcome you to Allentown Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. We work hard to deliver excellent, compassionate medical care to our patients in a timely manner. To do this we ask you, as parents, to partner with us in this effort.
- Primary CareAppointments are scheduled in advance by calling our office during business hours. We encourage you to select a primary care pediatrician and schedule well visits in advance with the same physician to optimize continuity of care. However, same day appointments will be scheduled with the provider available that day. If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, we require that you notify the office twenty-four hours in advance so the time may be used for others.
- Family PracticeWe see young adults through age twenty-one and guide them through the transition to an Internal Medicine or Family Medicine Physician.
- Emergency CareAfter hours– If your child is having a medical problem that cannot wait until the morning, please call the office and you will be forwarded to the answering service. The on-call doctor or nurse will return your call. We ask that you call for advice before taking your child to an urgent care facility or emergency room. In many cases the doctor will be able to provide home care advice that will make a trip to the emergency room unnecessary.
- ImmunizationsAllentown Pediatric and Adolescent providers strongly believe in the safety and efficacy of vaccinations. We want to ensure that we are keeping our patients at Allentown Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine safe from vaccine preventable infections and also protecting vulnerable members of the entire community from these serious and potentially life threatening infections.
- Internal Medicine
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Mental HealthWe are fortunate to have mental health providers from Spectrum Human Services located in our office to see Allentown Pediatric patients. Appointments are on a referral basis and patients can expect to be seen in a timely fashion. If you are interested in learning more about this valuable service, please contact our office.
- Sports Medicine