- Medical Weight Loss
- Pediatric CareAt each visit to Brighton Pediatrics, please bring with you your child’s insurance card and notify us of any changes of your address/ telephone number immediately.
- Primary CarePatient Centered Medical Home is a health care delivery model which creates a trusting partnership between you, your primary care doctor, and your family. The only way we can meet this goal is by working together.
- Emergency CareIll patients with common respiratory or other conditions—per doctor’s discretion– will be treated through Telemedicine visits. A doctor will have a face-to-face audio-video virtual visit with your sick child and yourself. Telemedicine visits will be initiated after you call the front desk staff from 9 am to 6 pm (M-F) to make an appointment. At the time of your appointment, please open this telemedicine link to be placed in the virtual waiting room. Prior to your visit please obtain a home weight, temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate if possible. The doctors will use historical information, visual inspection and their medical knowledge and judgement to provide the best advice available. This is not ideal or desirable, but we do not want to bring your child into our office risking illness exposure to them. On the other hand, we do not want to have our patients running into the ER/Urgent Care for minor, self-limiting illnesses. These visits will be treated by your insurance company similar to an office visit. Many insurers including Blue Cross Blue Shield are waiving normal co-pay requirements.
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- ImmunizationsCDC’s Travel Page – A list of vaccinations/precautions to take for traveling to any country or region, provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Pregnancy
- Autism
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Parents may print and complete this form prior to their child’s appointment for evaluation of ADD/ADHD. Please bring both completed forms to your appointment.
- Depression
- Diabetes Care
- Sports Medicine
- Allergies