- Dental ExaminationDuring an oral examination, a visual inspection is performed to detect normal and abnormal structures of the entire mouth, head and neck. Along with radiographs, an examination detects cavities, abnormalities in existing dental restorations, gum and bone recession and any other abnormal findings within the mouth, head and neck.
- Oral Cancer ScreeningOral cancer affects thousands of Americans yearly. We use the latest technology to detect changes in oral tissue consistencies and/or lesions. With early detection, cancer may be caught before it has time to spread, potentially saving lives.
- Teeth CleaningTo ensure you maintain a healthy smile, we will recommend a periodontal maintenance program that is best for you based on how quickly you develop calculus and your past and current periodontal health. During your maintenance visits we will perform an oral examination as well as a dental cleaning.
- CrownsBy utilizing a periodontal endoscope, Dr. Boynton is able to see into the depths of the gingival sulcus to determine the actual results of scaling and root planing, as well as to visualize to perform a range of sub-gingival diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Real-time visualization using the 24x to 48x magnification of the micro-endoscope allows Dr. Boynton and our hygienists to see even the smallest deposits of residual tartar, along with furcations and root anatomy, soft tissue inflammation, root fractures, sub-gingival decay, open crown margins and more.
- Bridges
- Periodontal SurgeryThe LANAP® procedure helps avoid traditional surgery and sutures by utilizing specialized lasers and techniques to remove bacteria from periodontal pockets in the gum tissue.
- Deep Cleaning
- DenturesEasy to care for, Teeth in a Day stay fixed in place with the implants acting as anchors. Patients will not experience the typical rocking and movement or gum irritation associated with dentures.
- Dental ImplantsUsing CBCT scans, virtual treatment planning, and highly specialized training, we are able to provide guided implant placement for our patients.
- Oral Surgery
- Tooth ExtractionsRidge preservation is typically performed following a tooth extraction to help reduce any subsequent bone loss. Bone grafting material or bone growth enhancing elements are placed into the socket where the extracted tooth was removed to prevent resorption of bone and to stimulate your body’s own natural capacity to regenerate bone. Bone resorption can impact future restorative treatments that require a solid support system such as dental implants, crowns, or bridges.
- Bone GraftingDuring this procedure, regenerative bone grafting material or bone growth enhancing elements are placed into the weakened area to strengthen and rebuild the bone’s structure.
- Teeth Whitening