- New ConstructionOn-demand testing should be done prior to commissioning and prior to and after installation of overburden for new construction quality assurance. It can also be done regularly as part of the building maintenance plan. The following on-demand products are available...
- Landscaping
- Residential Roof RepairPlant America Green provides integrated system solutions for roofing, waterproofing and green roof technologies that enable electronic leak detection. In alliance with proven, innovative manufacturers and service providers, we provide full support to all green roof designers and installers with installation and system design expertise as well as a wide range of proven, quality, US manufactured green roof components and leak detection technologies. Our clients include design firms, professional contractors and building owners. Using 20 years executive experience with GE across many industries including aerospace, energy, oil and gas, and transportation, we also offer business consulting services for companies who want to develop and effectively implement a major business strategy including sustainability, six-sigma or lean operations.
- Residential Roof Replacement/InstallationLeaks are issues on most roofs without green roofs, which is why we recommend electronic leak detection to ensure the membrane and flashings are leakproof prior to green roof installation. Electronic leak detection can also be used later to find a leak and vegetation can be easily removed locally for a repair.