- AntsTapinoma sessile is a species of small ants that goes by the common names odorous house ant, sugar ant, stink ant, and coconut. The colony consists of multiple nests with many queens for reproduction purposes. These creatures have different strategies in their food-gathering habits depending on environmental conditions.
- SpidersThe brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa is found throughout the south-central and Midwestern United States. Infestations in Kentucky are more common as one travels westward; other species of spiders occur in the southwestern U.S., southern California, but the brown recluse is most notable and widespread outside its native range-occasionally a few may make it to nonnative areas during transport.
- TermitesSubterranean termites, the variety common to Kentucky and most other states, have a cooperative system for living below ground. They live in colonies that are decentralized entities occupying multiple nesting and feeding sites which may be interconnected by underground tunnels. Termite colonies can range from being quite small with only ten thousand individuals or so to large ones consisting of hundreds of thousands up into millions of individuals who occupy areas ranging half an acre at any given time.
- Bed BugsBedbugs are small, brownish insects that feed solely on the blood of animals. Although common bed bugs prefer feeding on humans, they will also bite other warm-blooded creatures including dogs and cats.
- FleasFleas are an external parasite of both dogs and cats. The adults consume up to 15 times their body weight in blood per day, making them ravenous. Pets initially become infested when adult fleas occur indoors or outdoors jump on the animal with ease- they can hop about 6 inches high!
- CockroachesRoaches are among the most common pests infesting homes and apartments. They can be especially troublesome where food is prepared or sanitation is lacking, which means they're found in kitchens all around the world. Cockroaches leave an unpleasant odor wherever they go because of their excrement-a mixture that often includes pathogenic microbes such as E Coli and Salmonella that cause food poisoning if ingested by humans who eat contaminated foods like raw vegetables from a salad bar!
- BeesWasps are a notable pest for those who enjoy spending time outside and have an allergy to wasp stings. Unlike bees, they do not leave behind their stingers after administering one so if someone is allergic then they will be most likely in danger of being attacked over and over again which can lead to severe consequences like death or others that may result from such reactions as bad asthma attacks.
- WaspsTiny wasps are often found in a variety of different places, from your garden to the inside of your attic. They can be hard to spot but they do have symptoms that you may notice if there is one living nearby. Watch out for yellow areas on trees and buildings where nests could potentially reside as well as sawdust piles, honeycomb residue, or chewed leaves near ground level or windowsills-these all point towards an infestation!
- TicksAdult bed bugs are about 3/16-inch long and reddish-brown, with oval, flattened bodies. They can be mistaken for ticks or other household insects due to their size and coloration but they do not fly or jump like fleas. The immature bedbugs (nymphs) resemble the adults in shape but have a lighter brown coloring.
- MosquitoesThey primarily feed on other insects, especially soft-bodied flying ones such as moths or mosquitoes that become entangled in their web. When a small creature becomes ensnared by its prey's sticky silk strands, black widow spiders quickly bite them with venomous fangs to paralyze it before wrapping the victim uptight for later consumption while they make another meal of something else nearby.
- FliesWasps eat pests such as flies and various other bugs which are naturally found around homes or even yards. Sometimes though, some species can indeed be dangerous to humans. There is only one thing that all types of this insect share: they will avoid attacking if possible - no matter what their size maybe!
- BeetlesJapanese beetles were first found in this country in 1916, after being accidentally introduced into New Jersey. Until that time, this insect was known to occur only occurred Japan where it is not a major pest.
- Moths
- AphidsArgentine ants from different colonies will team up and attack together in vast swarms. They simply outnumber their enemies, overpowered by sheer numbers alone. Argentine ants are a terrible nuisance because they protect scale insects and aphids; without them, the buds of your prized roses would be eaten alive before you could even say "ouch." These industrious little bugs receive sweet honeydew from those pests as payment for protecting them! In addition to ruining fruit crops like figs (Ficus carica) on which wasps rely for food, these devilish red creatures invade orchard trees themselves - destroying all the harvest with ruthless efficiency.
- RaccoonsFlea's hitch a ride onto passing animals from kennels, groomers, etc., but pets also acquire these pesky insects through stray animals like opossums and raccoons that come wandering into yards near homes.
- Wildlife
- Opossums
- Birds
- RodentsThe last thing you want to discover is a pest infestation in or around your home or business. While it is well known that insects and rodents can cause structural damage, it is just as alarming to learn they also can transport bacteria and disease. Fortunately, Ortex has the tools and knowledge to handle every pest control issue in the Clarksville, TN, Huntsville, AL, Springfield, MO and Nashville, TN areas. Call us today to check our availability for your pest control and termite extermination services.
- MiceFood, clothing, furniture books, and many other household items are contaminated by their droppings or urine as well as damaged by their gnawing habits. House mice will chew through electrical wiring which causes fires among a variety of appliances including freezers clothes dryer etc).