- Osteoporosis
- Arthritis
- Medical Weight LossCortisone Injections – Injections in the ankle can reduce inflammation, which will help to manage pain. This can facilitate more frequent activity to promote further healing of the joint along with weight management to keep excess weight off the ankle.
- Primary Care
- Emergency CareBusiness Associates: There may be some services provided in our organization through contracts with Business Associates. Examples include physician services in the emergency department and radiology, certain laboratory tests, and a copy service we use when making copies of your health record. When these services are contracted, we may disclose some or all of your health information to our Business Associate so that they can perform the job we have asked them to do. To protect your health information, however, we require the Business Associate to appropriately safeguard your information.
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeHand and Wrist: Dr. Komanduri has the experience to treat hand and wrist conditions including carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Mental HealthWe are required by law to maintain the privacy of “protected health information.” “Protected health information” includes any identifiable information that we obtain from you or others that related to your physical or mental health, the health care you received, or payment for health care.
- MRIMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses, and a computer to produce detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone, and virtually all other internal body structures. It is especially useful in orthopaedics for obtaining images with detailed contrast between the soft tissues of the body, such as muscles, ligaments, cartilage, and other bone or joint structures. Our
- Radiology
- X-Rays
- Computed Tomography
- General Surgery
- OrthopedicsThough injuries of the hand, elbow, or wrist may not compromise your ability to walk and get around, having limited use of your hands can severely diminish your quality of life. Hand and wrist injuries are increasingly common, as many people put high stress on their wrists with deskbound careers that involve long hours of typing. Treatment of injuries in the hand require precise surgical techniques, because the structure of the hand is so complex. Similarly, there are many subtle nuances that can limit the success of elbow and wrist surgeries, so you will only want to entrust your care to the most experienced surgeons who are dedicated to modern advancements in orthopaedic care. MK Orthopedics can deliver this high level of care for the hands, wrists, and elbows, offering a complete range of treatments from conservative therapies to complex surgical procedures.
- ArthroscopySurgery – Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure in which the surgeon can see inside the joint through specialized tools and a flexible camera. During this same procedure, tissues may be repaired. Arthroscopy can facilitate a wide range of procedures, including rotator cuff repair, ligament repair, removal of the labrum, or removal of bone spurs.
- Minimally Invasive SurgeryFollowing diagnostic procedures with imaging and physical examination of the foot and ankle, your doctor will discuss the right course of treatment. Often, minimally invasive surgery is beneficial, because it can eliminate damaged tissues and repair those that have been fractured, dislocated, or torn. In some cases, conservative treatment options may be appropriate, but more complex injuries may not respond to these therapies.
- Ankle SurgeryThere are some injuries and defects that may not be corrected by conservative treatments, so surgery will be necessary to restoring the ankle function. While surgery will pose a difficult recovery in which the ankle will not be able to bear full weight for several weeks, the long-term recovery of the joint will be successful. Ankle surgery may be the only way to ensure that an individual can continue to comfortably walk and participate in physical activity, which is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle.
- Joint ReplacementShoulder: Dr. Komanduri specializes in partial and total joint replacement, reconstruction, and decompression therapy, as well as arthroscopic surgery to treat a variety of chronic shoulder issues.
- Hand Surgery“Tensile Strengths of Flexor Tendon Repairs in a Dynamic Cadaver Model”, published in Americal Journal of Hand Surgery. Presented at American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons – Orlando, Florida. Presented at Smith and Nephew Richards Orthopedic Residents Conference – Memphis, Tennessee. Presented at American Society for Surgery of the Hand – Kansas City, Missouri. Presented at American Association of Hands Surgery – Cancun, Mexico. “Distal Radial-Ulnar Joint: Injury and Treatment” – University of Chicago Hand Conference. “Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Review of the Literature” – University of Chicago Trauma Conference. “Compartment Syndromes: PAthology and Treatment” – University of Chicago. “Forearm Anatomy and Operative Approaches” – University of Chicago Anatomy Basic Science Course. “Tensile Strengths of Flexor Tendon Repairs in a Dynamic Cadaver Model”, University of Chicago, Grand Rounds. Healthsource Case Manager Conference. Sofeco Adjustor Conference. Fremont Adjuster Conference. WCS Nurse Case Manager CEU Course “Articular Cartilage Restoration”. WCS Nurse Case Manager CEU Course “Shoulder Instability”.
- Orthopedic Surgery
- ArthroscopyDefinitive diagnosis of hip problems – While MRIs and other diagnostic procedures can reveal the various types of damage, it may not always be clear what types of injuries have occurred in the hip joint or the extent to which damage is present. Arthroscopy will provide a definitive diagnosis to facilitate accurate treatment, thereby reducing the need for further surgeries and pain management treatment.
- Hip ReplacementAnterior hip replacement surgery is a tissue-sparing procedure, in which the surgeon accesses the hip joint from the front of the body, rather than the side or the back where more muscle tissue is present. With specialized surgical tools, the procedure can take place through a smaller incision site without the need to detach muscle tissues from the bones. This type of surgery has several advantages, and it is a viable procedure for many individuals who qualify for more conventional hip replacement.
- Knee ReplacementFor patients who are not ideal candidates for knee replacement primarily due to young age, cartilage transplantation can be an ideal solution. This procedure can facilitate activities that have been limited by pain and stiffness in the knees, allowing the restoration of an active and healthy lifestyle. Here’s a closer look at the benefits you can expect from the Carticel Transplant Procedure.
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Reconstructive SurgerySurgical Care – In some cases, the damage is too severe to respond to conservative therapies, so surgery will become necessary. Reconstructive surgery through arthroscopy is a minimally invasive and reliable surgical procedure that can restore the function of the hand or repair damage in the wrist or elbow.
- Sports MedicineTreatment Specialties: include Arthroscopic Surgery, Joint Replacement, Pain, Sports Medicine, Trauma/Fractures, Limb Salvage, Tendon/Ligament, Spinal Decompression/Fusion.
- Physical TherapyOur Workers Compensation capabilities include; 4 physicians that are Certified Independent Medical Examiners, on-site pharmaceutical dispensary, physical therapy suite, cast and bracing services and durable medical equipment for support devices, like crutches, braces or mobility.
- Occupational Therapy
- Tennis ElbowElbow: Dr. Komanduri has extensive experience at diagnosing and treating a full range of elbow conditions such as fractures, sport injuries-like golf or tennis elbow, and range of motion conditions.
- Shoulder Pain
- Back Pain
- Manual TherapyMK Orthopaedics provides physical therapy specific to the needs of each patient. Treatment may include manual “hands on” therapy, joint mobilization, cervical and lumbar stretching, therapeutic exercises, and patient education on posture and body mechanics. To contact our Physical Therapy Department please call: 833-4MK-ORTHO.
- Ankle SprainWhile some ankle injuries are relatively minor and will heal with simple rest and rehabilitation, others can be a major disruption in your life, causing difficulties in all activities. Conditions such as arthritis, fractures, and instability may necessitate surgical care with ankle arthroscopy and reconstruction in order to restore full function of the joint. MK Orthopedics can help you return to an active routine with advanced ankle surgery techniques in Crown Point as well as rehabilitative care with physical therapy.
- Podiatric Surgery