- Criminal DefenseBROWN AND BROWN, PLC, represents people charged with various types of criminal charges. Our firm has vast experience representing clients’ criminal charges ranging from simple misdemeanors to serious felonies. Our firm has 20 years of trial experience in all areas of criminal law.
- DUI/DWILicense Restoration – Our firm is well qualified and has a successful track record to represent you at the secretary of state level and appeals to the circuit court to help you regain your license when it has been suspended or revoked for drunk driving or driving on suspended license.
- Wrongful DeathOur firm represents clients in all types of personal injury cases involving Car Accidents, Truck Accidents, Burn Injuries, Wrongful Death, Slip and Fall, Negligence, Dog Bites, Boat Accidents, Work related injuries, Back Injuries, Shoulder Injuries, Knee Injuries, Leg Injuries and any other types of injuries. Our personal injury attorneys work on a contingent basis meaning that we do not get paid if you do not recover!
- MisdemeanorsOur firm has experience in representing clients from simple misdemeanors all the way to the most serious felony offenses. Our firm has appeared before the 6th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our firm has experience in writing habeas corpus briefs and extensive criminal trial experience.
- Corporate LawCorporations – The principal advantages of corporate formation include limited liability for the owners, perpetual existence of the entity, free transferability of ownership interest, and simplicity in organization and governance. The issue of double taxation (taxing at the corporate level and at the personal level), have been addressed by permitting the corporation to elect Subchapter S status which is a provision of the federal tax code permitting the corporation to have flow-through status. That means, that the corporation will not have to pay tax and it flows directly to the shareholders. Thus there is only one tax levied against the shareholder on actual earnings of the shareholder. The traditional C Corporation is taxed at the corporate and shareholder level. Not all corporations can be S corporations. For example, a corporation with over 35 shareholders or corporations with more than one class of stock generally cannot elect S corporation status.
- Business DisputesBrown and Brown, PLC considers business law and business litigation to be one its fundamental strengths. We have a 25 year successful track record of providing excellent legal service to businesses ranging from a company of one to a large international corporation.
- Business Transactions
- Limited Liability CompaniesLimited Liability Companies – In 1993, Michigan passed the Michigan Limited Liability Company Act (LLCA), 1993 PA 23. This law governs the formation and operation of limited liability companies (LLCs) in Michigan. An LLC is a cross between a partnership and a corporation and combines the most favorable attributes of both. It is designed to provide business owners and managers with the flexibility and tax advantages of a partnership and the protection against personal liability of a corporation. For many individuals and small companies, this choice of entity is ideal for creating a structured company that provides flow-through taxation like an S Corporation (the business is not taxed, only the Members). An LLC issues membership certificates that are very much like the stock issued by a corporation to represent ownership.
- Trade Secrets
- Antitrust
- Wrongful TerminationBrown and Brown, PLC has a successful track record including recent success representing employers in lawsuits involving wrongful discharge, claims of retaliation, defamation, and other civil rights claims. Experience representing employees is very useful in representing employers!
- Employment DiscriminationIn Michigan, Claims of employment discrimination can be brought under Michigan Law (Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act) or under Federal Law through Title VII. Our firm has successfully handled claims of discrimination in both State and Federal Court.
- Employment ContractWrongful discharge is an action for breach of express or implied employment contract arising out of the termination of employment without just cause. There are two alternative theories of enforce ability: the first is grounded solely on contract principles while the second is grounded on public policy considerations.
- Employment LitigationAt BROWN AND BROWN, PLC, it is our goal to obtain the best possible results for your employment dispute. Advising you of your rights and protecting your rights is our number one goal! BROWN AND BROWN, PLC also represents businesses in drafting employee contracts, employment negotiations, establishing employment law policy and procedures, negotiations with the Union, representing employers in arbitrations, representing employers in trial and representation at mediation.
- Non-compete AgreementUnder the Michigan Antitrust Reform Act (MARA) an employer and employee are free to enter into an agreement to protect the employer’s “reasonable competitive business interests” and to prevent post employment competition by the employee, as long as the agreement is reasonable in duration, geographical scope, and the type of activity restrained. Our firm has experience in both drafting and litigating noncompete agreements. Our firm represents employers and employees in litigation involving non-compete agreements.
- Severance AgreementOur firm has successfully helped negotiate severance documents, draft severance documents and routinely provides employees with advice in negotiating their severance documents. Call today to schedule a time to review your severance package. An employer is required by law to give the employee adequate time to review their severance agreement. Many times our firm has found that employers want the employee to agree to a severance package and waive their right to sue – the employee should never sign any employment documents without consulting with an employment attorney.
- Sexual HarassmentBoth federal and Michigan courts recognize two types of sexual harassment: (1) quid pro quo harassment, where submission to or rejection of sexual conduct or communication is used as a factor in decisions relating to an individual’s job benefits, and (2) harassment that creates an offensive or hostile environment. Our firm has successfully represented clients in all types of sexual harassment lawsuits. Call today for a free consultation! Do Not Wait to Call! - Many employers have employees sign agreements shortening the time that an employee has to bring a claim. You may have as little as six months to bring a lawsuit. Don’t hesitate to call today!
- Real Estate LitigationWe offer a wide range of legal services, including personal injury, family law, business and commercial law, real estate law, and estate planning.
- Premises Liability
- Construction LitigationAfter graduation, Matt was employed as a corporate attorney for Elias Brothers Big Boy Restaurants, Inc. As a corporate attorney, he learned the important nuances in representing a large company. Matt was the employment attorney for the corporation and represented the company in all employment related matters including wrongful discharge, sexual harassment, race and sex discrimination and unemployment matters. Matt drafted the Company’s Employment Relations Manual that was utilized by company management. He also conducted several management seminars and provided training in employee relations. In addition to his employment responsibilities, he also drafted and implemented the Company’s Construction Law Manual to guide the Company’s construction department. Matt also managed the Company’s numerous leases, both representing the company as a landlord and as a tenant. In addition, Matt handled numerous commercial transactions such as sales of businesses, real estate, including the drafting of the transactional documents, negotiating and drafting contracts for franchising, sales, equipment leasing and numerous other transactions. Lastly, as a corporate attorney, Matt defended liability claims arising from accidents, slip and falls and successfully recovered in a lawsuit involving a large fire claim.
- Personal InjuryBROWN AND BROWN, PLC, is a law firm that handles a variety of personal injury cases. Our firm has more than 20 years of trial experience.
- Auto Accidents
- Dog BitesIf you are a business or own property for investment you would be well advised to obtain insurance for the premises. Property insurance provides indemnification of a first-party insured for property damaged or destroyed to the extent of the insured’s insurable interest. The most basic type of property insurance available is coverage for buildings and contents. In addition to homeowners property insurance, commercial policies are available to cover loss of business income, extra expenses, stock, machinery and equipment, tenant improvements, pollution cleanup, and other business interests. Sometimes things that you would not think can be covered are in fact covered. For example, dog bites or injuries suffered on someone’s property is usually covered by insurance. There is no guarantee and the insurance companies will fight you anyway they can to avoid paying these claims. This is why it is important to hire attorneys that are skilled in both dealing with the insurance companies and also in the applicable law.
- Estate PlanningEstate planning is very important not only for the future of your loved ones, but also for your own future. BROWN AND BROWN, PLC has more than 20 years experience in estate planning. Our firm represents clients in all aspects of estate planning. Our standard estate package includes the following...
- WillsWe represent clients in all aspects of probate proceedings including trust disputes, will contests, guardian/conservator hearings and any other type of estate/trust matter. Our firm also offers estate planning packages which include Wills, Patient Advocates, Power of Attorneys and Trusts. We also have experience in Elder Law, Specialty needs planning and Probate Collections.
- Trusts
- Power of AttorneyAfter leaving Big Boy’s corporate legal department, Matt worked as an elder law specialist for Lakeshore Legal Services, Inc., a non-profit government funded agency. Matt represented persons 60 years of age and older. Matt gained an invaluable insight into the many unique legal problems facing older persons. During his tenure and for 20 years since he has since litigated many issues in the protection of older persons. Matt has also been very active in estate planning including the drafting of wills, trusts, powers of attorney, patient advocates, deeds and related documents.
- Probate
- Tax Law