- Osteoporosis
- Medical Weight LossWeight issues, particularly weight gain issues, are trending to be one of the most concerning complaints for women. The most frequent complaints include weight gain, difficulty with weight loss, hormone changes affecting one’s ability to achieve weight loss, and stressful, busy lifestyles interfering with weight management. Alongside the COVID-19 pandemic we are facing, the obesity more
- High Cholesterol
- Emergency CareWhen you get emergency care or are treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from balance billing if you are enrolled in a group health plan, group or individual health insurance coverage, or a Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan. In these cases, you shouldn’t be charged more than your plan’s copayments, coinsurance and/or deductible.
- Urinary IncontinenceUrinary incontinence can range from leaking just a few drops of urine to completely emptying the bladder. Usually, nonsurgical treatment includes lifestyle changes, bladder training, physical therapy, and the use of certain bladder support devices. There are also several surgical procedures available if nonsurgical options don’t alleviate your urinary incontinence.
- ImmunizationsOther services may be recommended during the annual exam including lab work to check for high cholesterol, thyroid abnormalities, and things such as anemia. This is also a good time to update a person’s vaccination history and evaluate other appropriate vaccinations.
- GynecologyGynecology covers a wide variety of services, treatments, and general topics, which is why Billings OB-GYN is committed to providing you with the care and compassion you deserve.
- Female Infertility
- ObstetricsEvery pregnancy is unique and you can be assured that our team of caregivers is ready to help you with any special needs and concerns. Our team has the expertise and compassion to care for the routine to high-risk pregnancies and deliveries. Our comprehensive obstetrics and prenatal care services include...
- EndometriosisThere a number of gynecologic surgeries available to help with any problems you may have. Reasons for needing any of these surgeries include chronic pelvic pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, endometriosis, fibroids, or gynecologic cancer. Our physicians have experience in these types of procedures and can help you determine your best course of treatment.
- Pelvic Pain
- Pregnancy
- Labor and Delivery
- Cervical CancerPAP Smear guidelines have changed and now recommend some women receive PAP Smear exams every 2-3 years rather than annually. The PAP Smear is often confused with an annual well-woman exam and the changes in guidelines have only intensified the confusion. While the PAP Smear is included in the annual exam, the PAP Smear involves screening for cervical cancer only.
- Depression
- Diabetes Care
- EndocrinologyOur providers are experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate. At Billings OB-GYN Associates, our team of experienced physicians and staff work hard to provide you with personal, supportive service during each visit. We serve our patients and community with compassion, and are committed to giving you the care you need in the areas of pregnancy, infertility, family planning, endocrinology, and office/surgical gynecology.
- Thyroid
- UltrasoundThere are three different scanning modes in medical and obstetric ultrasound. The standard obstetric diagnostic mode is 2D scanning. In 3D fetal scanning, sound waves are sent at different angles returning echoes that result in a reconstructed three-dimensional image of the fetus. 3D ultrasounds allow one to see width, height and depth of images but no movement is shown. 4D ultrasounds involve the addition of movement by stringing together frames of 3D ultrasounds in quick succession.
- RadiologyWhen you get services from an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, certain providers there may be out-of-network. In these cases, the most those providers can bill you is your plan’s in-network cost-sharing amount. This applies to emergency medicine, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, laboratory, neonatology, assistant surgeon, hospitalist, or intensivist services. These providers can’t balance bill you and may not ask you to give up your protections not to be balance billed.
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Endometrial AblationNovasure endometrial ablation is for premenopausal women with heavy periods due to benign causes who are finished childbearing. The procedure is finished in as little as fifteen minutes, and is designed to remove the uterine lining (the endometrium), which is the part of your body that can cause heavy bleeding.
- Cyst
- Physical Therapy