- Male Infertility
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Urinary IncontinenceA fistula is an abnormal passageway between two areas that normally don’t connect. They can occur in the urinary tract as a result of inflammatory bowel disease, trauma, prior surgery, prior radiation treatment, or cancer. Fistulas in the urinary tract often involve the bladder but can also involve the ureters or urethra. The more common types of fistulas abnormally connect the bowel to the bladder or the bladder to the vagina leading to recurrent urine infections, urinary incontinence, or loss of urine from the rectum. Treatment of a fistula usually requires carefully planned surgery to correct the anatomical problem while preserving normal urinary function.
- Female Infertility
- UrologyDr. Kim has authored several peer-reviewed scientific papers and a book chapter on incontinence, voiding dysfunction, and female and male reconstructive urology.
- Kidney Stones
- General SurgeryHe finished two years of general surgery training and four years of urology training at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Los Angeles, CA.
- Vasectomy
- Robotic SurgeryPelvic organ prolapse is a common condition affecting women leading to diminished quality of life. It is often associated with concurrent issues of urinary incontinence which can further erode a woman’s well being. While not all cases of prolapse require treatment or even surgery, when surgery is needed it can be accomplished in a minimally invasive way either through the vagina or with laparoscopic/robotic surgery.
- Reconstructive SurgeryStrictures of the urethra are caused by abnormal scar tissue deposition that causes narrowing and blockage of the urethra making it difficult to urinate. Traditionally, strictures have been treated with dilation or cystoscopy with scar incision but these approaches are associated with a high recurrence rate of the original stricture. For people with long complex strictures or who have failed a prior stricture treatment, reconstructive surgery with a urethroplasty remains a good option. During urethroplasty, the urethra is carefully reconstructed sometimes utilizing local tissue or a tissue graft such that the stricture does not return.