- Auto InsuranceDespite popular belief, you can take control of how much you pay for auto insurance. There are a variety of aspects affecting the price you pay each month, many of which are lifestyle factors. Take control of your auto insurance premium by making these simple adjustments...
- RV InsuranceDespite common neglect, your favorite rides need insurance protection too! Many individuals fail to insure their motorcycles, boats, and recreational vehicles to the fullest simply because they assume it is unnecessary.
- Inland Marine Insurance
- Home InsuranceAt Bogart & Brownell Insurance, we understand the importance of protecting your most valuable investment – your home. Contact us today and allow us formulate a unique homeowners insurance package based on your particular needs.
- Life InsuranceIn addition to our Maryland office, Bogart & Brownell also does business in Florida, providing a wide array of insurance products in the areas of group employee benefits, individual life and disability, corporate buy-sell arrangements and key employee life insurance. Our knowledge and experience in the area of group insurance includes over 30 years of selling and servicing group medical, dental, life, disability, retirement and Section 125Â plans. While we can provide sales and service for the entire state, we are particularly concentrated in the counties of Palm Beach, Martin,Â
- Health InsuranceIn addition to providing you with a competitive advantage, you may need to offer employee benefits due to new requirements set forth by the Affordable Care Act. If you have more than 50 full-time employees, you may be legally required to offer health insurance to your staff.
- Disability InsuranceAccidents are inevitable and unfortunately, some can be more severe than others. In the event that you are involved in an accident that leaves you unable to perform your job, a disability insurance policy would provide you with the financial support necessary to recover from this tragedy.
- Long Term Care
- Business InsuranceAt Bogart & Brownell Insurance, Inc., we share your commitment to protect your business to the fullest. We understand that a standard, cookie cutter policy will simply not suffice in safeguarding your investment, which is why our dedicated team of professionals will work with you to customize your business insurance portfolio.
- Commercial Property InsuranceWhile the standard commercial property insurance policy will provide your equipment, inventory, and materials with coverage at your business address, you leave everything vulnerable during frequent transits. To combat this gap in coverage, you can obtain inland marine coverage.
- Workers Compensation InsuranceTo ensure that you and your team are protected from the unforeseen, you must obtain a workers compensation policy that maximizes coverage for your business. Required in many states, workers compensation ensures that you are protected from litigious harm while also providing your employees with optimal protection.
- Commercial Liability InsuranceRather than leaving your business vulnerable to litigious threats, you must obtain a commercial liability insurance policy that effectively protects your investment. No matter how small or large your organization may be, you must obtain protection against the unforeseen.
- Liability InsuranceGeneral liability insurance provides business owners with protection against our litigious society. Accidents happen, and it is your risk management procedures that determine whether or not an incident makes or breaks you.
- Flood InsurancePremium amounts for flood insurance policies are calculated based on your property’s location and proximity to flood exposure zones. Once purchased, these policies do not go into effect until after thirty days, meaning you must be proactive in obtaining this vital safeguard.
- Earthquake InsuranceWe understand that insuring your home takes much more than protecting just the structure. We will help you choose a policy that safeguards your home indefinitely, providing you with personal property and liability coverage as well. We will also guide you through the process of determining which additional coverages would provide you with optimal protection, including but not limited to earthquake insurance, umbrella insurance for excess liability, endorsements for valuables, and flood insurance.