- Divorce
- Child Support
- AdoptionAdoption can be the most challenging yet satisfying experience in a parent’s life. The Law Office of Angela Lee offers expert services in this area including step-parent adoption and independent adoptions. Our rates are always reasonable.
- GuardianshipIf you’re faced with the possibility of divorce—or separation from a unmarried domestic partner—we can guide you to a practical resolution. We also help clients with adoption, guardianship, third-party custody and creative parenting plans.
- Criminal DefenseAngi has significant professional experience and has been practicing law for over 15 years in the State of Oregon. Angi moved to Bend in 1997 and worked the next 9 years for Crabtree & Rahmsdorff specializing as a Criminal Defense Attorney. Angi then joined the team at the Albertazzi Law Firm, staying until January of 2010 when she decided to venture out on her own to start The Law Office of Angela Lee.
- Sex CrimesI came to Angela Lee’s office, after being referred to her by two other attorneys who claimed that she was: ”the best family law attorney in Deschutes County.” My case was very complex, as I had to fight for custody of my son against the man who raped me. My son was conceived as a result of the rape. Even though the opposing party served a lengthy jail sentence, and was extradited to serve his time, the state of Oregon still allows him to have full parental rights. Angela, upon hearing my story, swore to me that this man will not get custody of my son.
- MisdemeanorsBurgan Hawkins brings 7 years of legal industry experience to our firm. She has experience in felony and misdemeanor criminal cases, family law and estate planning. Burgan began working for a law firm when she was a junior in high school and continued to study the Criminal Justice System at Central Oregon Community College.
- Drug CrimesBaby lives with mother, father, who also faces drug charges By Cindy Powers Published: May 12, 2005 A Redmond mother was sentenced to five years’ probation in Deschutes County Circuit Court Wednesday for causing her baby to ingest methamphetamine through breast milk. The baby continues to live with her mother Read More »
- AssaultWe handle all felony and misdemeanor criminal matters, from DMV administrative hearings to the most serious issues, such as aggravated assault and murder.
- MurderWe are here to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your case. Whether you are faced with a minor traffic infraction or a major felony charge, such as murder, Angela has the experience you need to win.
- Estate PlanningOur estate planning and trust practice focuses on serving clients whose estate plans need modification and updating. We also serve on clients who do not yet have any estate plan at all.
- Wills
- TrustsWhether your estate plan needs updating or you are just beginning to create a plan we can help. There are a number of ways to structure wills, trusts and estates; we will help you find the best way to protect your assets and your loved ones.
- BankruptcyShe is well versed in many aspects of the law, with special expertise in the areas of criminal, family and bankruptcy law.
- ForeclosureWe also assist clients in the difficult process of foreclosure. We investigate all of your options including short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure and loan balance reductions. Each option has potential tax and legal complications. With our experience behind you, you can be sure that you are making the best decision possible. But don’t delay—the further you slip behind with creditors and mortgage payments, the fewer options you may have.