- Nutritional CounselingWe are a small independently owned private practice, offering personalized care for urgent and non-urgent issues. We handle everything from hearing and vision screening to child development and nutrition counseling.
- Pediatric CareSince 1999, Progressive Pediatrics has been serving the moms and their children in the North Jersey community. Today we continue to uphold a high standard of excellence and dedication when it comes to patient care, comfort and convenience. And not only that, we’re continuing to uphold our high-quality care, personalized service and utmost attention. No wonder many North Jersey moms trust us with their kids health.
- Primary CareTo determine whether you need a referral from us before seeing a medical specialist, view the terms of your insurance plan. Often, this information is listed on the insurance card or can be obtained by calling the insurance company. Our medical providers can refer you to a specialist if your child’s health situation requires it or if your health insurance company requires a referral prior to visiting a specialist.
- Ear InfectionsCame here recently when my regular pediatrician was not available and my 3 year old had an ear infection. No wait time, all the staff was extremely friendly and efficient, as well as the doctor was prompt, thorough and very polite. Would return again if ever need be!
- Family PracticeAdvocare Progressive Pediatrics participates with Aetna, AmeriHealth, CHN (Consumer Health Network), Cigna, Devon, GHI/Emblem, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield NJ, Humana Military, Intergroup, MagnaCare, Multiplan, NJ Medicaid, Oxford, QualCare, United Healthcare and USFHP (US Family Health Plan).
- Emergency CareCalling our office at the first sign of illness helps to ensure that you receive an appointment time sooner rather than later. Normally, we are able to schedule same-day or next day appointments for those requiring pediatric urgent care.
- ImmunizationsIt’s important for every parent to ensure that their children are properly protected against many common diseases. Today’s vaccines make it easy to achieve that goal. Preventing diseases according to the childhood vaccinations schedule recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices includes many single and combination vaccines that are licensed in the US. These vaccines immunize, or protect, children against the following preventable diseases...
- Pregnancy
- AutismDevelopmental/Behavioral Assessment (Developmental screening, autism screening, developmental surveillance, psychosocial/behavioral assessment, alcohol and drug use assessments)
- Depression
- Mental HealthAt Progressive Pediatrics, we promote healthy habits for teenagers in every sense. We educate them about proper nutrition and the difference it can make in their overall physical health. We discuss depression, anxiety and other mental health issues, especially for teens who have changed schools and had to leave old familiar friends behind and adjust to new ones. We educate teens about sexually transmitted diseases and how to protect themselves.
- Anxiety
- Sports MedicineWe are currently seeing well children as well as urgent visits both in person and televisit (virtual visit). We are offering sports physicals and all vaccines are in stock.