- Twilight Delight Flower Bouquet$29.99gathered fresh direct from the grower, this dazzling bouquet makes the perfect gift.
- Stress Remover With Irises$69.99feel the tension drain from your body as melt's dead sea salts do their work (the only salt that can actually remove lactic acid from your muscles!), while melt's fizzies moisturize your skin. to help you relax even further, the stress remover gift also comes with a beautiful bouquet of irises.
- Mixed Fresh Daisies$29.99a must-have. amazingly fresh and full of joy, our vivacious daisy bouquet captures the very spirit of the season.spring, summer, winter or fall our designers choice in daisy blooms will be captured in this bouquet. they are the longest lasting blooms and have the most shades and variety.
- Loretta Bouquet$44.99our loretta bouquet combines sunflowers, spray roses and green hydrangea, together creating an invigorating, crisp and stunning composition. perfect for all seasons.
- Moisture Therapy With Iris$77.99you will be amazed at how soft and silky smooth melt's sugar scrub will leave your skin. follow up with a few drops of melt's hand & body lotion to maintain your skin's natural moisture throughout the day.
"Fish and Chips" found in 1 dish