- Commercial Pest Control
- Dead Animal Removal
- AntsThe carpenter ant is huge sometimes reaching a half inch in length. Carpenter ants are usually black but sometimes have a red tinge. Carpenter ants earn there name by hollowing out wood to create a nest cavity. If they invade your house it could get costly.
- SpidersAlthough non-aggressive, all spiders will bite freely if provoked and should be considered dangerous to humans. Spiders come in numerous kinds and some of them are unsafe. That's one of the numerous main reasons why you would want to hire a professional spider control specialist to deal with the task. We've got the knowledge as well as the capability to remove the spiders thoroughly and safely.
- TermitesTermite Control, Termite Treatment, Termite Damage Repair - We are One Stop Shop for All Termite Related Problems
- Bed BugsBaltimore Bed Bug Exterminator - Bed Bug Control and Treatment in Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Surrounding Areas
- FleasFlea bites will often appear as small clusters of dots that are red, hard, and swollen – similar to a mosquito bite. Fleas tend to bite the human host randomly, whereas beg bugs bite strategically in a linear pattern.
- CockroachesBreaking the cockroach's breed cycle is key to controlling this insect. Roaches require an integrated approach. We will often spray fog and use baits. We also use something called an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR). Young roaches growing up in an environment filled with IGRs will not be able to reproduce. More on roaches...
- BeesSuspecting you have carpenter bees? Maybe you need a carpenter bee exterminator. Here at At Once Wildlife and Pest we do nuisance wildlife, which means we are on ladders all day long! And since we do repairs on people’s houses, we are your best choice for carpenter bees problems. We can reach their holes no matter where they are and we know how to repair the wood. So "bee" wise about your choice of exterminator and give us a call.
- WaspsWe also identify wasps and make treatment recommendations to exterminate them. Most commonly home owners find paper wasps, hornets and yellow jackets in attics, under decks and porches and at the top of window frames.
- TicksAlong with the annoyance, raccoons serve as vectors for a variety of diseases including ticks, flees, raccoon round worm, and rabies. In addition, huge amounts of raccoon feces will rapidly accumulate in your attic. Raccoons breed once a year and give birth in the spring having as many as seven young per litter. Trapping adults is easy enough but extracting the young can be quite a challenge. Often we use the mother to coax out her young. Once the family has been evicted, all possible entrances are sealed.
- CricketsThere are two well-know types of crickets - field crickets and house crickets. Field crickets are usually dark to black in color. House crickets are much lighter - tan to light brown in color. They will live in and around the houses.
- MosquitoesThanks to the anesthetic, it may take a few days before the reaction to bed bug bites is seen. A typical mosquito bite appears as puffy white and reddish bumps that begin a few minutes after the bite and become darker after a day. Sensitivity to mosquito bites usually decrease as people are exposed to mosquitos more and more. The opposite is true for the bed bugs – people tend to develop stronger reaction to their bites as they get bitten more. Mosquito bites usually heal much quicker than bed bug bites. Also, unlike mosquitoes, bed bugs will rarely bite you on the back on knees or in the folds of skin
- Hornets
- Yellowjackets
- Stink BugsIntroduced into Eastern Pennsylvania in the mid 90’s, stink bugs have spread to virtually every state and have left a path of ruined produce and confounded home owners in their wake.
- BatsIt is a type of lung infection spread by the spores of the Histoplasma capsulatum fungus. It is commonly found in the feces of bats and birds and can cause serious respiratory issues for people with poor immune systems.
- MolesMoles are one of the greatest enemies of nice lawns and gardens. They dig tunnels. Moles are mostly active after a good rain. It makes them travel to the surface.
- RaccoonsDo you see raccoons visiting your trash cans at night? Or find something digging in your garden but not sure what it is? It can be a raccoon.
- SnakesSpring time is egg laying time for snakes. Eggs that are laid in the spring often hatch in the fall. Black snakes usually lay approximately 2 dozen oval shaped eggs in mulch and they often hatch in early October. Hatchling black snakes are 8 to 10 inches long and are light grey with dark blotches.
- WildlifeI freaked out when a bat flew across my head and landed on the wall in my basement laundry room. I quickly proceeded to close the door did some internet reseach on who I could get to come out and take care of the problem. I got Marc's number from the Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources Nuisance Wildlife Control Cooperators. He explained how the bat could have gotten into my windowless basement and possible courses of action. He came out that night and thoroughly investigated the basement as well as my attic and assured me the bat had exited the building and there was no indication of infestation. He charged me next to nothing and left me with his information if I should experience other problems. I will definitely call him again if the need arises.
- Birds
- SparrowsThe two most common nuisance bird species are starlings and English sparrows. Both species would rather nest in man made structures then trees. Very often they will nest in the duct work leading from the hood over your stove to the vent outside. If the nest is located close to the out side vent it can be easily removed.
- Starlings
- RodentsIf you live in an urban environment expect a visit from the common house mouse. Many people believe that these mice come in from the fields out side their house. The truth is these are communal rodents meaning your house is their habitat.
- MiceIs your current exterminator unable to get your mouse problem under control? Give us a call - we are absolute experts at mice and we have developed various techniques using both rodenticide and trap-only eradication protocols. For those who are afraid of pets getting into mouse and rat poison, we can rid your house of mice. We do some of the best exclusion in the business so we can make sure the mice don't come back!
- RatsNorwegian rats now occupy every major city in the US and Canada. During fall they begin to reproduce and at the same time they start coming indoors. A single female brown rat can give birth to more than forty young in one year. The rats enter through holes they either find or create.
- SquirrelsIt's that time of year again when squirrels all over North Eastern US are looking to find a suitable shelter for the cold winter months - and your attic is just what they would like. If you are excited about new guests, please enjoy. But if you would rather not host squirrels in your attic, please give us a call.