- Criminal DefenseMark A. Sampson has been fighting in the courtroom for the rights of individuals in the State of Texas since 1993.
- DUI/DWIIf you have been charged with a DWI, a misdemeanor, or a felony, it is important that you hire an attorney. Do not wait. DWI charges can be time-sensitive and might seriously impact your future if not properly handled.
- Wrongful Death
- Misdemeanors
- Drug CrimesMark A. Sampson is licensed in Federal Court in the Western District of Texas. Most of our federal cases involve drug crimes or firearms, however, we can litigate any federal criminal case.
- Personal InjuryIf you or someone you know has been injured in an accident, we can help. We strive to obtain all of the compensation you deserve. We represent individuals in all areas of personal injury law including, but not limited to, the following...
- Medical Malpractice