- SinusitisChronic sinusitis is treated with a longer course of antibiotics for about 3-4 weeks. Nasal corticosteroids may be helpful in chronic sinusitis.
- Pediatric Care
- Ear Infections
- Immunizations
- X-Rays
- Computed TomographyThorough history and examination point to the diagnosis and is confirmed by CT scan of the sinuses. Normal sinus X-rays can be done but are not very accurate. CT scan can also evaluate the anatomy of the sinuses and any need for surgery.
- EczemaEczema is a chronic skin condition characterized by dry skin patches. Such patches intermittently become itchy, red, and inflamed. Eczema or dermatitis is atopic when triggered by food or environmental allergens.
- LesionsThere is intense itching associated with patches of dry, inflamed, scaly, excoriated, oozing lesions on skin. If it is chronic eczema, the skin is scarred and thickened with depigmented or excessively pigmented lesions.
- Rashes
- AllergiesTreating viral infections aggressively with expectorants and decongestants and nasal saline washes can help prevent bacterial sinus infections. Underlying environmental allergies make one prone to sinus infections. Allergy testing and appropriate treatment of environmental allergies can help prevent sinus infections. Allergy immunotherapy has been shown to help prevent sinus infections.