- Osteoporosis
- Headaches
- ArthritisOur society is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.
- Fibromyalgia1) Fatigue mixed with diffuse joint and muscle pain for greater than 6 months of unknown origin is the general description of chronic fatigue syndrome, with fibromyalgia being a more extreme version of this disorder.
- Medical Weight LossWhen I first came to Dr. Buckley I was having many problems with my health. With his expertise, and following his instructions, I have improved in every area. I no longer have acid reflux attacks at night, no more swollen ankles, and as for my breathing problems, I have no shortness of breath to contend with. There has been a maintained ten-pound weight loss because of his admonitions on many “junk foods” in my diet. I eat healthier and I feel healthier. Through him, I have had a second lease on life and I thank him so much for the care and concern he always shows me each visit. He is up to the challenge of helping his patients, both physically and mentally, by making it clear by explaining everything as he goes along.
- RheumatologyMany chronic joint problems are going to be the result of “leaky gut” which as allowed microbes to migrate into the blood stream and into other tissues, including joints. These low grade infections can trigger autoimmune inflammatory conditions. This however, is reversible as I discuss here( 11 ). In 1990, The Journal of Rheumatology put forward a study which indicated that approximately 70% of joint pain had a gut issue at the root of the problem ( 10 ). More recently studies have shown that many chronic back pain conditions are infectious in nature, and some doctors are prescribing antibiotics to treat the pain ( 12 ). Unfortunately, antibiotics also increase the risk of leaky gut, and all of the problems which come along with that. ( 13 )( 14 )( 15 ). If you have joint problems, and have been working with a doctor, have they even considered a gut issue being involved? In today’s world of medicine, that’s certainly not very common, and what’s worse is that they most likely have prescribed medications which are toxic to the gut, and liver.
- Primary CareStudies performed analyzing the health care costs of those who see complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioner’s as their primary care physician (PCP) compared to those who utilized conventional medicine PCP’s spent less money on average on health care.
- Sleep DisordersI started having severe fatigue and pain in muscles and tendons and ulcers in my stomach about 22 years ago. The doctor wanted to put me on antidepressants because it was in my head. I refused and was circuitously recommended to another doctor who recommended I get the metal dental fillings replaced and go through a metal detox. I did that and with the same doctor we tried other treatments since I wasn’t feeling better. This started my 20 year long journey to medical doctors, osteopaths, herbalists, homeopathic, acupuncturist, naturopaths, chiropractors, etc. I got a measure of relief, but none were significant or lasting. I’ve spent thousands of dollars. During this course of time, other health issues came up such as low thyroid, hormone challenges, consistent weight gain, inflammation, sleep disorder, etc. On a chance conversation, Dr. Buckley was recommended. I hesitated to make the appointment because I wasn’t ready for more disappointment. Frankly, when I first went to Dr. Buckley I was skeptical that anyone could do anything and did not expect much. What I found out is that Dr. Buckley has very effective and precise diagnostic skills. He also knows the appropriate path forward. He didn’t have me try various things to address one thing because he knows what is an effective treatment for me. He diagnosed some things no one else noticed. One of those things was an encephalitis related virus, and when he used magnets to help with it, I was skeptical. I was shocked at how well I felt the next day and I’ve felt good ever since. I am still amazed that the progress I saw in my first six weeks of working with Dr. Buckley has far exceeded what anyone else had been able to do over years. For the first time in so many years, I feel like a regular person capable of doing what I am meant to do. I also appreciate that Dr. Buckley gives you the tools to take care of your health. I would highly recommend that you use Dr. Buckley before spending a lot of money and time on anyone else. He has a unique special skill set that rivals anyone I’ve seen in the health care field.
- Emergency CareThe system of medicine practiced by most physicians is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment of trauma or illness that is of short duration and in need of urgent care, such as appendicitis or a broken leg. Physicians apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or surgery that aim to treat the immediate problem or symptom.
- Constipation
- ImmunizationsVaccinations are one such method that may be to blame for many of the low grade infections, and/or altered immune system responses with allergy sufferers. Pioneering researchers such as
- Female Infertility
- Obstetrics
- Pregnancy
- Internal MedicineJust six months ago I supposed I would just fade out after over 15 years of exhaustion apparently caused by a long list of medical conditions diagnosed by an equally long list of practitioners. My medical challenges began at age 42, immediately after extensive dental work, including 2 badly done root canals and removal of 11 amalgam fillings. Some amalgam fillings were replaced with porcelain inlays and others had composite plastic fillings installed. After the two root canals, I was left flat on my back for 2 months and finally went to a conventional doctor of internal medicine for a diagnosis. When he suggested I take Prozac I knew I was in the wrong office.
- Kidney StonesFSM has changed what is possible in pain management. FSM can treat chronic myofascial pain quickly, easily, and comfortably. Nerve pain from nerve traction injuries, disc bulges, herniations, herpes and shingles can be treated successfully by FSM Practitioners.There are protocols for kidney stone pain, disc and facet joint generated pain that give rapid and often lasting relief. The protocol for fibromyalgia associated with neck trauma offers pain relief, unprecendented changes in inflammatory cytokines and hope for the 2 million patients who suffer from this condition.
- NeurologyPrior to entering chiropractic college, the aspiring doctor requires 2-4 years (depending on the college attended and the state one wishes to practice in) of premed undergraduate studies. Once completed, the student must next complete 4-5 academic years of studies at a chiropractic college. This includes extensive training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, radiology, differential diagnosis, chiropractic adjusting techniques, biomechanics, and other health-related studies.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- AutismI was actually dealing with a significant toxic body burden, complicated by chronic infections including Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), parasites, candida, and Borrellia (Lyme disease), complicated by adrenal exhaustion. As I began looking into the genetic picture of my problem, I found that my genetic profile was actually very similar to many who are dealing with Autism. In short, genetic mutations (MTHFR, GSTP1) set me up for being a relatively poor producer of the body’s most important detoxifying chemical, glutathione, which ultimately led to the seemingly complex neuro immuno endocrine disorder that I was dealing with.
- Multiple SclerosisAbsorption Although you may eat a balanced diet, if you do not absorb vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and/or other essential micronutrients properly, you will have deficiencies. Chronic Illness Health conditions such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fatigue and multiple sclerosis, to name a few, can be affected, directly or indirectly, by micronutrient deficiencies.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Stress ManagementEy manage our energy. Stress, whether it be mental,emotional, infections, pain, etc all affect these glands and therefore will affect overall health. Proper diet, exercise, nutritional status, and stress management are necessary to have them function properly. By properly balancing these aspects of the biochemical triad of health simultaneously, a path towards wellness can be found. Neglecting any one of these will certainly perpetuate the misery of chronic illness.
- Depression
- Psychiatry
- Anxiety
- Diabetes Care
- HypothyroidismHashimoto’s disease – Hashimoto’s disease is the name given to autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland, where the immune system attacks cells of the thyroid gland. Hashimoto’s disease is estimated to be the most prevalent autoimmune disorder in the US. Hashimoto’s has been found to be the mechanism for hypothyroidism in 90% of the cases in the US. One of the primary mechanisms for auto-immune disorders is “leaky gut”, where the gut lining becomes damaged and allows material (pathogens, undigested food, etc.) to cross the gut barrier and into the blood that was not supposed to cross. If “leaky gut” contributes to autoimmune disease in general, and it’s recognized that most cases of hypothyroidism are the result of an autoimmune condition, it’s reasonable to assume that the gut may be involved in most cases of hypothyroidism.
- ThyroidWhat is the thyroid gland, and what does it produce? The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland sitting at the lower portion of the trachea. Upon receiving the call to produce thyroid hormone from the pituitary hormone TSH, the thyroid gland releases two hormones – T4 (93%), and T3 (7%). Remember, only T3 is active to the cells, and of the total amount of thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland itself, only 7% is in its active form. Additionally, the thyroid gland also produces the hormone calcitonin, which is important for transferring calcium into bones. The 93% of the largely inactive T4 is left to travel to the liver and to the intestines to become activated. Within the liver the T4 undergoes a conversion process that can either convert T4 into the active T3, or it can convert it into something called reverse T3 (rT3). Under normal circumstances 60% of T4 will convert to T3, 20% to rT3, leaving the remaining 20% to be activated in the small intestine. It’s in this conversion process here that accounts for many functional thyroid disorders. Functional thyroid disorders are distinctive from conditions where TSH and T4 move into pathological (disease state) ranges which require medical treatment. Rather, functional thyroid disorders include all dysfunction of thyroid production and cellular response with or without reaching pathological levels in TSH or T4 blood levels. What about thyroid medications? The most commonly prescribed thyroid medications (Synthroid, Levothyroxine, or Levoxyl) are synthetic versions of T4. These medications rely upon proper conversion in the gut – which as you’ll see below does not happen efficiently for many people on or off medications. When assessing the success of treatment of these medications, it’s primarily the lab values of TSH and T4 that the doctor is paying attention to – not whether or not the active thyroid hormone is being produced and is effectively entering the cells of the body. Natural thyroid hormones in the form of Armour Thyroid or Nature-Throid, are glandular preparations of thyroid hormone that contain T4,T3, and calcitonin. For some people these natural versions seem to perform better, but because some people have problems with overconversion from T4 into rT3 for reasons listed below, these meds may be ineffective too. Below are 5 ways in which the alterations in the gut may result in abnormal thyroid hormone function. (The liver serves many functions, and one of them is bile production and for this reason it is included as a component of the gut.)
- Radiology
- X-Rays
- General Surgery
- Orthopedics
- GangreneDental cavitation’s are pockets of gangrene occurring in the mandible or maxilla. They commonly occur where teeth have been extracted, or beneath root canals. The toxins released by the cavitation’s are highly toxic and can contribute to, or cause, a number of health complaints. A trial study has demonstrated a success rate of using NMT to treat dental
- EczemaWhen I first met you, I was desperate for release from five years of unremitting eczema that I scratched till raw and brain-numbing exhaustion. The medication I was taking for hypothyroid gave me no boost
- FungusChronic infections such as viruses, parasites, bacteria (Lyme), mycoplasm, mold, yeast/fungus perpetuated by biofilms and toxic materials can perpetuate the illness.
- PsoriasisIt’s estimated that 50 million Americans are suffering from autoimmune disorders. You may have heard their names – Type 1 diabetes, crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, psoriasis,etc. It’s a popular group of diseases that is on the rise, and unfortunately the medical community predominantly acts as if it’s a total mystery to be treated with immune suppressing drugs and steroids. While it may be true that understanding every nuance of every autoimmune disease is not known, what does appear to be clear is a common thread tying virtually every autoimmune disorder together. In my 10 years of practice, everybody I’ve seen that has had an autoimmune condition, had a gut issue underlying the disorder. If you want to understand how the gut, infection, and autoimmunity all interrelate and what can be done to prevent or even reverse the disorder, read on…
- Physical Therapy2) Impaired organ function creates muscular dysfunction which creates joint dysfunction setting the stage for pain and joint degeneration. It’s not the only cause of joint dysfunction, but is often overlooked and unrecognized in most bodywork systems, like massage, chiropractic, or physical therapy.
- Frozen Shoulder
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- TMJ DysfunctionAll healing methods used in the office facilitate internal healing rather than treat any particular disease. However, the following conditions are commonly eliminated or improved with the methods used. ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Anxiety, Arthritis, Auto-Immune Problems, Joint Problems, Back Pain, Bladder or Kidney Problems, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Infections/Illness, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Digestive Problems, Foot Problems, Frozen Shoulder, Fibromyalgia, Gynecological Disorders, Migraine Headaches, Hyperactivity, Infertility, PMS, Pulled Muscles, Skin Problems, Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow, and TMJ dysfunction are commonly improved or eliminated.
- Allergies