- Osteoporosis
- Flu Shots
- Urinary Incontinence
- ImmunizationsPap Smears, Pelvic Exams, Breast Health, Birth Control and Vaccinations are all key components to a healthy lifestyle. We also treat common female health issues like pelvic pain, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and irregular bleeding. Every women will experience menopause and we are here for you.
- GynecologyPap smears allow us to look for abnormal cells on the cervix so we can catch and treat them before they become cancerous. A speculum, which is a smooth, duck-bill shaped instrument, is gently introduced into the vagina and gradually opened to allow your doctor to see your cervix. Cervical cells are obtained with a special, soft instrument. The pap smear is a useful procedure for identifying the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be found even in women who have had the HPV vaccine. Some women with HPV have no symptoms and heal naturally, while others might develop abnormal and/or precancerous cells on the cervix. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends that women have their first pap smear at age 21. The frequency of future pap smears depends on the results.
- Female Infertility
- ObstetricsDirector of Obstetrics and/or Director of Gynecology of Piedmont Hospital: Several of the doctors have served in this capacity, including Dr. Bonita Dozier, Dr. James Ingvoldstad and Dr. Archie Roberts.
- EndometriosisEndometriosis Surgery Many women suffer from endometriosis, a condition of pelvic pain, often worse during your period. Sometimes medications provide sufficient relief, but laparoscopic surgery remains the best way to diagnose and treat the condition.
- Pelvic Pain
- PregnancyOur team of dedicated physicians represents decades of medical experience, and has earned numerous honors and recognitions for excellence in the practice of ob-gyn medicine. In addition to serving the needs of our patients through all of life’s stages, we specialize in the treatment and management of high risk pregnancy, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, menopause, incontinence and more. Monday through Friday, one of our Registered Nurses is available to answer your questions by phone. We also offer classes on childbirth and breastfeeding.
- Carpal Tunnel SyndromeSwelling of the hands and feet is usually normal during pregnancy and can sometimes be painful. Sitting or standing in place can aggravate swelling, so move your ankles in a circle and walk around when you can. You may need special compression stockings. Many women develop carpal tunnel syndrome as their pregnancy progresses, which causes tingling, pain or numbness in the fingertips. Carpal tunnel wrist braces are available at most pharmacies, but if your case is severe, you may need to see an orthopedic surgeon.
- Diabetes Care
- ThyroidWe have extensive experience caring for women with multiples (twins, triplets, and more!), pregestational diabetes (including Type 1 Diabetes), gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, fetal anomalies, genetic disorders, thyroid disorders, intrauterine growth restriction, preterm labor, and previous pre-term delivery. We take care of patients who have had a previous c-section and can support a vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC) in appropriate patients. While we always hope pregnancies are routine and uncomplicated, we have the knowledge and experience to provide excellent care even in more challenging situations.
- UltrasoundScreening Tests There are many tests available that provide information about your baby’s health. Your doctor will advise you about the most appropriate tests for you. The first tests to consider investigate the baby’s genetic make-up. Screening for genetic problems may involve a blood test (Cell Free DNA and/or Genetic Carrier Screening), or an ultrasound measuring the thickness of the back of the baby’s neck (nuchal translucency). Occasionally, we recommend additional tests such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Between 15-18 weeks, we recommend the Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) test to determine whether or not there is a problem with the baby’s spinal cord closing. Prenatal vitamins and folic acid supplements have been very successful in reducing this problem.
- MammographyDuring a breast exam, your doctor feels the tissue of the breasts and checks for any lumps or abnormalities that could be breast cancer. There is controversy about whether or not women should do self breast exams. Certainly, many women find their own breast cancer. If you do them at home, examine your breasts during the week after your period when your breasts are the least dense. After age 35 or 40, women should also have an annual mammogram which can detect tumors before they are big enough to be felt. Learn more about breast cancer detection from the American Cancer Society. We are proud to offer state of the art mammography at our Atlanta Women’s Healthcare Specialists Imaging Center which is conveniently located in the same building as our Buckhead office.
- General SurgeryMyomectomy A myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove fibroids. Depending on the size and placement of the fibroids, the myomectomy can often be accomplished through the vagina with no incision. Minimally-invasive myomectomies can also be performed laparoscopically and robotically, which require small incisions through the abdomen. A laparotomy is a more traditional surgical procedure where an incision is made (usually a “bikini cut”) and the fibroid(s) is/are removed.
- HysterectomyHysterectomy A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus, and is recommended to treat a variety of issues including pelvic pressure, pelvic pain, severe endometriosis, uncontrollable bleeding and fibroids. There are many types of hysterectomies ranging from minimally-invasive to traditional surgical procedures, and your doctor will recommend the best procedure for your situation. A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus only, although sometimes it is necessary to also remove the ovaries. If you are not in menopause at the time of your hysterectomy, and keep your ovaries which control your hormones, you will not be in menopause after the procedure. You should talk with your doctor about whether or not to have your cervix removed along with the uterus.
- Endometrial AblationEndometrial Ablation An endometrial ablation is done to stop excessive uterine bleeding in women who no longer wish to become pregnant. If you still want to have children, this procedure is not for you. If you are experiencing irregular bleeding or excessive periods, the first thing your doctor will do is evaluate the cause by reviewing your medical history and conducting an endometrial biopsy. After examining the results, we may do a special ultrasound called a sonohysterogram to check for polyps of fibroids in the uterine lining. At that point, we will advise if you are a candidate for an endometrial ablation. If so, we will give you pain medication and injections to numb your uterus. Your doctor will examine your uterus with a camera inserted through your vagina and then cauterize or heat the uterine lining. This ablates, or vaporizes, the cells that make you bleed. The procedure does not affect your ovaries, so it will not put you into menopause.
- LaparoscopyLaparoscopy Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that allows your doctor to see into your pelvis using a thin, lighted tube threaded through a small incision in your abdomen. We use it to find problems such as ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and other growths. We can also take tissue samples for biopsy using the same tube, or laparoscope. Usually, laparoscopic surgery does not require an overnight stay in the hospital.
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Cyst