- Teleflora's Pretty Pumpkin Bouquet$47.95bring the pumpkin patch indoors with a hand-painted ceramic pumpkin filled with a rustic autumn bouquet. while you're at it, make autumn even more awesome for faraway friends.
- Teleflora's Amber Waves Centerpiece$64.95bring a touch of splendor to the table with lush autumn flowers in a golden hand-blown glass bowl etched with a graceful wave design. glowing with soft candlelight, it's a centerpiece that will make your feast even more fabulous.
- Family Gathering Centerpiece$47.95as your loved ones gather around the table, they'll bask in the warm glow of two orange taper candles surrounded by a fantastic array of fall flowers.
- Burst Of Autumn$39.95a burst of beauteous blooms in autumn shades of orange and yellow is mixed with a handful of oak leaves, then delivered in a clear glass vase adorned with a bright satin ribbon. a splendid gift for birthdays or any fall occasion.
- Get Well Flowers-garden Parade$42.95you'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. in other words, it's a perfect arrangement.
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