- Primary CareWhen you call the office, a representative will review your demographic information (i.e. valid phone numbers, mailing address, date of birth) and current primary care provider to ensure the information is up to date. You will also be asked to provide your current insurance information including identification numbers and contact phone number for your insurance provider.
- Emergency CareExamples of gastrointestinal emergencies include severe abdominal pain or distension, high fever, dehydration, vomiting or defecating black or maroon blood, abdominal pain after an endoscopic procedure, food stuck in the esophagus, or severe allergic reactions to medications (i.e. hives or shortness of breath). The operator, who does not have a medical background, will put you in contact with your doctor's medical assistant. Depending on the specifics of the situation, the medical assistant may suggest that you come to the Hospital Emergency Department for evaluation. Please realize that if laboratory or X-ray studies are needed to assess your condition, this can be accomplished faster in the Emergency Department than in our office. We will try to expedite your wait in the Emergency Department. After the Emergency Department physician has evaluated you, he or she will contact one of our doctors to coordinate your care.
- ColonoscopyOur East Ellijay location is staffed by three physicians, a nurse practitioner, and a medical support team. Ellijay residents can count on us for routine colonoscopy procedures, and to treat all of their digestive health needs. Our physicians’ knowledge and experience help them accurately diagnosis and effectively treat all digestive health conditions.
- Irritable Bowel SyndromeSpecial Interests in Gastroenterology -Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) -Colon cancer screening -Barrett's esophagus -Inflammatory bowel disease -Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) -Hemorrhoid treatment -Gut microbiome -Nutrition
- Internal MedicineTh birthday, at which time he moved with his family to Greenville SC. His interest in Gastroenterology budded as an undergraduate student researching the causes of cachexia in mice with colon cancer and continued throughout medical school and residency. Training in Internal Medicine has helped him be confident in treating patients with multi system disorders while giving him an opportunity to pursue a career in Gastroenterology. Whether it is a patient with a disease as benign viral gastroenteritis or as serious as colon cancer, he feels honored to have the opportunity to provide medical and emotional comfort to his patients while being able to continually expand his base of knowledge in this field.
- GastroenterologyOur dedicated gastroenterology physicians provide comprehensive inpatient and outpatient medical services for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive tract and liver illnesses.
- Colon CancerDuring the month of March, the physicians and staff at all of our locations participated in Colon Cancer Awareness month. Fund raising activities included: bake sales, employee's jeans day and bracelet sales. All of the proceeds will go directly to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance.
- EndoscopyWe have digestive health centers in multiple locations in Atlanta, Fayetteville, Jasper, Newnan, Woodstock, Cascade, Canton, Marietta, or Ellijay; some equipped with our own endoscopy labs. Our offices and labs are outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment and our nursing staff is specially trained on site.
- UltrasoundDr. Shah's interests within gastroenterology include gastroesophageal reflux disease, colorectal cancer screening, gastrointestinal bleeding, infectious GI diseases and inflammatory bowel disease. In addition to upper and lower endoscopy, Dr. Shah is trained in both endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). He is fluent in English, Spanish and Gujarati.
- MRIResults of radiology studies performed at Piedmont or Fayette Hospitals, such as ultrasounds, CAT scans, barium X-rays and MRI are available three working days after they have been completed.
- Radiology
- X-Rays
- ChemotherapyHe said the most rewarding aspect of his job is treating patients and curing diseases. In particular, he cites the story of a woman whom he helped diagnose with colon cancer in 2009. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy, and has had no evidence of a recurrence.