- Pediatric Care
- Primary CareTo better meet the healthcare needs of our clients, integrated primary and behavioral healthcare services can be offered directly through Andrews Center, as well. This is more convenient for patients and also opens the door for different disciplines involved in the patient’s treatment to work together more easily and effectively. Andrews Center is able to offer treatments and services for the following conditions...
- Smoking Cessation
- Emergency CareAndrews Center believes in holistic health. A healthy body and freedom from physical sickness helps in the management of mental illness. Staff coordinates primary healthcare for clients in order to improve outcomes and provide better overall experiences. Clients benefit from increased access to primary healthcare services, reducing the number of emergency room visits.
- ImmunizationsProvides affordable, comprehensive health care for your entire family. Our services include adult and pediatric primary care, adult and pediatric dental care, women’s health, immunizations and vaccinations, STD and HIV/AIDS screening and treatment, as well as mental health services and substance abuse treatment for the LBGTQ community, parents and adolescents and opioid use.
- Pregnancy
- AutismTLC also teaches others who work with children with autism to utilize behavior analysis to encourage and positively reinforce desired behaviors. We maintain strong connections with local school districts, residential facilities, medical professionals and advocacy programs throughout Tyler and East Texas.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Depression
- Mental HealthThe Andrews Center is a nonprofit community mental health and mental retardation center established by law as a local governmental entity in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Title 7, Section 534, Subchapter A. The Center is named for Earl C. Andrews, one of the leading citizens of Tyler, Texas, who helped found the Center in 1966. June 4, 1968 the contract was signed with Smith County Commissioners Court which legally put the Center in place. Earl Andrews served 25 years, 20 as Chairman of the Board. The Center is governed by a nine-member board of community leaders appointed by the commissioners’ courts of the five counties it serves.
- PsychiatryTele-psychiatry is available to children in our rural counties served who otherwise would have limited access to on-site provider care. The service is offered both in the school where the child attends (to prevent absences) or at an Andrews Center out-patient clinic facility.
- Behavioral HealthMedicaid for families and children; long-term care for people who are older or who have disabilities; SNAP food benefits and TANF cash assistance for families; behavioral health services; services to keep elderly or disabled in their homes and communities; women and other services with special health needs.
- Anxiety