- Osteoporosis
- Arthritis
- FibromyalgiaThe Alexander Technique is a highly sophisticated, proven method to teach conscious control of muscular tension, movement and postural coordination, and manage pain for people experiencing headaches to back pain, with conditions as varied as Multiple Sclerosis to Parkinson's Disease to Fibromyalgia to Dystonia to Spinal Stenois. A complement to physical therapy manual techniques and modalities, the Alexander Technique enriches posture, movement, and neuromuscular re-education, essential educational components in physical therapy.
- Bronchitis
- Gynecology
- Obstetrics
- Pregnancy
- Labor and Delivery
- Multiple SclerosisFor people with conditions as varied as headaches, TMJ, asthma, neck, shoulder, back and hip pain, dystonia, arthritis, osteoporosis, balance disorders, Parkinson's Disease, multiple sclerosis, and lymphedema
- Mental HealthMy office shares a waiting room with Center for Chinese Medicine, Jill Long, MA mental health counseling, directly ahead of you as you enter the building.
- UltrasoundThe "Body Sense program" includes a thorough physical therapy assessment, but differs from the typical physical therapy protocol by choosing to begin with postural reeducation and functional activities based on the educational process of the Alexander Technique. The "student" takes the responsibility to investigate the role of habitual posture and muscle patterns under the guidance of the "teacher." Modalities such as massage, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, moist heat or cold pack are utilized only after the postural component has been addressed or when pain makes the educational process prohibitive. I incorporate the Alexander Technique when teaching back care, body mechanics, therapeutic exercise, or any other physical therapy modality.
- Radiation TherapyThe Lymphedema Program at Body Sense is a comprehensive approach called Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy. Whether breast-cancer related upper extremity lymphedema or lower extremity lymphedema due to venous or lymphatic insufficiency following surgery or radiation therapy, patients benefit from a program based on their medical history and assessment that fits their condition, ability, and life style. The Lymphedema Program includes lymphatic massage (Manual Lymph Drainage) and instruction in effective lifelong self-management skills designed to reduce edema and tenderness, increase joint movement, and maintain gains.
- SciaticaEveryday movement habits such as slumping or forcing the arch in the back in an effort to be more erect produce compressive forces and muscular imbalance that can precipitate such maladies as back pain, disc problems, sciatica, and osteoporotic deterioration. Without intervention, the downward force of gravity and the ongoing force of habit perpetuate postural misuse and painful muscular tension.
- HysterectomyRestriction of inspiration resulting from musculoskeletal dysfunction such as scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, or pectus excavatum, obesity, pregnancy, pulmonary pathology (fibrosis, scarring - result of radiation therapy), Neurologic weakness (spinal cord injury, Parkinson's, myasthenia gravis), or following abdominal surgery (c-section, hysterectomy, intestine repair, etc.).
- Physical TherapyIn the case of riders with recent or chronic injuries, I combine physical therapy assessment and treatment with the educational experience of the Alexander Technique. This unique combination offers an efficient way to recover and return to riding equipped with new skills to be used on and off the horse.
- Occupational TherapyBeacon Healthcare Associates under the direction of David Clements, MD and Body Sense, physical therapy practices, under the direction of Idelle Packer, PT have collaborated to create a unique and comprehensive six-week program for the patient with COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Together with Martha Hoffman, C-PA, specialty in nutrition, and respiratory therapist, Amy Trees, the team created a comprehensive physical therapy program that includes patient education about their disease, medication, and correct inhaler use, occupational therapy, naturopathic medicine, Alexander Technique for postural reeducation and breathing coordination training, as well as mobility, strengthening, and aerobic exercise that patients will continue to do at home after the six week program finishes.
- Tennis ElbowFrom knee pain to tennis elbow, Kinesio Taping is an effective tool to complement a comprehensive program of physical therapy for the patient with orthopaedic or neurologic problems or compromise to the lymphatic system. The Kinesio Taping technique appropriate for a particular patient can be taught to a caregiver to increase independence.
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Geriatrics