- Flooring
- DrywallsYes, we have applied the Energy “Q”™ behind drywall for almost 30 years and an independent case study for Energy “Q”™ showed up to a 36% utility savings.
- Ceiling FansThen this summer, the temperatures reaching near 100, our A/C unit went out. We were so surprised the next day, our house only got to 80 degrees! Only 5 degrees different than what it’s set on in over 24 hours! That was incredible! Texas was nearing a record of 40 days of triple digit heat in July; we were pleasantly surprised when we received the bill! We live in an 1800 square foot home and keep the temperature set at 74 with the ceiling fans running…What an awesome surprise it was to only have our bill be $134! That is cheaper than my 800 square foot apartment ever was in the summers!
- New ConstructionThe best application to maximize the comfort level and utility cost in a new building or home is to apply the Energy “Q”™ radiant barrier prior to sheet rock. Independently studied by a national home builder, Energy “Q”™ showed a savings over 35%. Energy “Q”™ provides a shield that reflects 97% of the radiant heat in-and-out of your living environment thus making the home like a thermos bottle. Prior to sheet rock, Energy “Q”™ is applied directly to all exterior wall studs and ceiling joists exposed to the attic area. To learn more…
- Window Installation/Replacement
- Garage Door Repair/ReplacementApply Energy “Q” ™ radiant barrier to garage door, ceiling and/or walls to reduce heat gain and increase the comfort of the area…And have a psychedelic Man Cave.
- Residential Roof Repair“I have been offering and installing the Energy “Q” product to my clients as a radiant barrier upgrade to assist with their energy efficiency in my roofing application for the past 13 years. We offer your product as an add-on product, so we do not have to remove the decking. This also provides and additional advantage to our competition who does not offer your product.
- Residential Roof Replacement/Installation
- InsulationEnergy “Q” ™ is a proven leader and innovator in the reflective insulation industry. Our Energy “Q” ™ Reflective Thermal Insulation Products have been recognized by NASA and the United Space Alliance (USA). Energy “Q” ™ product has been featured in many publications: NASA Spin-Off, NASA Tech Brief, Ashrae Journal, Light Metal Age and several news releases by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.