- Divorce495 and 595Pro - Se help for spouses who wish to represent themselves in an uncontested divorce, which can be much faster than a contested divorce, and much cheaper.
- Legal SeparationOur “pro-se” divorce attorneys prepare and review “pro-se†paperwork for you to use. Each divorce or legal separation action can be different, so couples must work together throughout the entire process. Please note ~ there is a difference between “pro-se” and “pro-bono.” We do not offer pro-bono services for this
- Child AbuseIt was a second marriage for both Jeff and Connie. Jeff and Connie and kids, a family dog and made for one big happy family. But Connie's youngest son kept testing Jeff. Jeff thought he knew how to handle him. Then one day, after Connie's son refused to do his chores after Jeff told him twice, Jeff lost it. Jeff was arrested and taken to jail. He found out he faced a felony for doing the same thing that had been done to him when he was that age. After he got out on bail, we met with Jeff and documented the problems he had been having with his stepson. We met with the DA and showed him the circumstances that led up to Jeff’s unfortunate incident. We also got letters from Jeff’s employer and relatives to show that Jeff was not just another hot-tempered trouble-maker. Eventually, Jeff pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and completed a year of probation and counseling. If you lose your cool and it results in having to go to court, call the firm that will stand by your side and protect your future. Sisson and Kachinsky Law Offices understands that it could happen to you.
- Criminal DefenseJessica works with Carol to do Criminal Defense and also with Beverly to help with either bankruptcy or Chapter 128s. She works hard to help our office run smoothly no matter what type of matter you need help with.
- DUI/DWIIn Wisconsin, a person is legally intoxicated with blood alcohol content (BAC) of.08 or above. If you have had three prior OWI convictions, then you could be convicted with a BAC as low as.02. If there is an accident, and someone is seriously injured or dies, that is a felony, which could result in prison time.
- Traffic ViolationsAs experienced defense lawyers, we will thoroughly examine your case and provide you with the dedicated, assertive legal representation you deserve. Call us for a free consultation now!
- Sex CrimesOnce charged, a sexual assault or any crime involving sexual contact is published and made part of a person’s public record, and remains published regardless of whether the alleged charge is dropped or prosecuted by the district attorney. Additionally, whether a person enters a plea of no contest (nolo contendere), or guilty, or accepts an alternative sexual conduct crime, the law requires that the charged person register with the sex offender registration.
- BurglaryTim never thought of himself as someone with skeletons in the closet, but one day a policeman visited him at work and told him that he was being charged with a burglary that happened five years ago.  A former friend of  Tim’s had  confessed to the crime and claimed that Tim helped him so that he could get a better deal with the DA.  Tim knew he needed a lawyer and a good one.  He hired Sisson and Kachinsky Law Offices.
- MisdemeanorsIn Wisconsin, domestic violence charges can have serious consequences, and can range from felony to misdemeanor charges. Possible sentences can include probation, fines, and jail time to less serious offenses to prison for more serious offenses.
- Drug CrimesWhen people run for the district attorney’s office, they always promise to get tough on crime. Drug use is one of their biggest targets. Consequently, drug charges are very serious.
- AssaultAssault and battery charges consist of threats to do violence and actual violence committed upon a person. Assault and battery charges are serious and Wisconsin can include a number of punishments, including prison.
- MurderThe terms “homicide” and “murder” are often used interchangeably, however, Wisconsin law distinguishes them. Murder is the taking of another person’s life during the commission of another felony crime, and homicide is the taking of another person’s life regardless of whether another crime is being committed.
- HomicideWhether a case involves, OWI, assault, homicide, a traffic matter, or other offense, we have established reputations among our peers and opposing counsel as no-nonsense attorneys. We do our homework. We do not make frivolous, nonsensical arguments. Cases that should go to trial go to trial. If the client wants to avoid trial, we negotiate the best deal possible. Fortunately, we are experienced enough to know the difference.
- Shoplifting
- Hit and RunHowever a couple hours later, Tracy’s parents  got a call that their 18 year old daughter was accused of felony hit and run. They couldn’t believe it.  They knew a felony conviction would wipe out any plans that Tracy had to make something of her life.  They  hired Len Kachinsky of Sisson And Kachinsky Law Offices to make the best of what could be a disastrous situation.
- Auto Accidents
- Bankruptcy$1435.00Chapter 7 / Debt Liquidation Chapter 7 is a federal bankruptcy law enacted by Congress to provide a means for individuals, married couples or sole proprietors in financial difficulty to achieve a fresh start. Chapter 7 allows individuals to discharge (not pay) unsecured debts, keep many assets, and start over. Unsecured debts include many but not all purchases made on credit cards. Filing under Chapter 7 allows you to keep certain assets while starting over. In exchange, the debtor surrenders the non-exempt assets, if any, to be liquidated for the benefit of creditors. Chapter 7 does not discharge student loans, certain IRS debts, family obligations, or criminal obligations. Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) Before filing bankruptcy, you must take a credit counseling course. This new law was implemented in 2005. It was passed by Congress April 14, 2005 and signed into law by President George Bush on April 20, 2005.
- Foreclosure
- Debt Collection831.50Are you being harassed by a creditor or a few small creditors that want you to pay more than you can afford for your monthly budget? We have the solution! It is Wisconsin Statute Chapter 128.21. WHAT IS CHAPTER 128? Chapter 128 gets its name from the Wisconsin state statute it falls under, 128.21. The main purpose of Chapter 128 is to repay debt without filing bankruptcy. It is NOT a consumer credit counseling program, but is a voluntary debt consolidation plan filed with the Wisconsin Circuit Courts, with documents prepared by an attorney. CHAPTER 128 vs. BANKRUPTCY There are two major differences: Bankruptcy takes place in Federal Court. Chapter 128 is strictly a State of Wisconsin plan. Also, Chapter 128 is the opposite of bankruptcy; you are repaying the debts. Chapter 128 proceedings may make it a much more attractive option to debtors: if you do not qualify or want to file for bankruptcy, you may file a Chapter 128 instead. The following is a partial list of the advantages of a Chapter 128: Is unique to the State of Wisconsin and is open to all Wisconsin residents. Unlike bankruptcy, you are not required to list assets and property not in jeopardy. You do not need to list all the debts you owe, unlike bankruptcy. A very attractive alternative if you do not qualify under the new bankruptcy laws. Stops garnishments. Debt gets repaid. Interest on debts is uncollectible upon successful completion of the Chapter 128. Easy and inexpensive to file. May file more than once. No Court appearances. WHO NEEDS CHAPTER 128? If you are burdened with debt and for whatever reason cannot, or do not wish to file bankruptcy, you may qualify for a Chapter 128 voluntary debt consolidation plan. It is open to any resident of the State of Wisconsin as long as you have a steady income that supports such repayment. WHAT DOES IT COST? The filing fee is $31.50 in most counties (slightly higher in Milwaukee County). There will also be attorney's fees which are set by the attorney, not the trustee. The trustee's fees are a percentage of your total debts and are not an upfront cost but rather are paid out over the term of your plan. Your attorney will determine the initial payments to the trustee. These payments may change once the creditors have a chance to file a claim indicating the actual amount owing as of the date the documents are files with the court. Because this is a wage earner plan you must be employed and payments to the trustee should be done by wage withholding. PURPOSE OF A CHAPTER 128 The purpose of filing a Chapter 128 is to pay off debt. The trustee does not repair credit reports and does not provide credit counseling . However, when you successfully complete your plan, you will receive an Order from the Court which you will use to clean up any problems remaining on your credit report. HOW LONG IS THE PLAN? Chapter 128 plans are 36 months by statute. However, you may be able to pay off your p