- Residential Pest ControlCommon household pests can be more than just a nuisance. At times, they may also put your family’s health at risk or cause costly physical damage to your property and your home. Residential pest control services can help you attain peace of mind by securing your home against the peskiest bugs and small animals. A-1 Bonded Termite has been solving pest problems in Anaheim-area homes since 1976. Our experience and training, coupled with our commitment to serving our community with excellence, make us the natural choice to solve all your home pest control and termite control needs in Anaheim
- Commercial Pest ControlTo meet your commercial pest control needs in Anaheim and the surrounding areas. As a local company ourselves, we take pride in protecting the businesses in our community from pests and providing you with much-needed peace of mind.
- Pest Identification
- AntsArgentine ants are an aggressive species of ant that are native to Argentina. Quickly spreading across the globe to Mediterranean climates, these ants are now located in South Africa, Australia, Japan, and the continental United States.
- SpidersSpiders can be difficult to control on your own; A-1 Bonded Termite provides reliable residential pest management services in Anaheim to get rid of spiders for good. Call today to learn more!
- TermitesLike a tiny demolition team you never wanted to hire, termites can easily damage the wood in your home or business. Once inside, they’ll eat through any wood they can find, from floor joists to support beams to furniture. Discovering a termite infestation in its earliest stages can help minimize the damage they cause, but an infestation that goes unnoticed can be devastating to the structural integrity of your home or business.
- Bed BugsAre you experiencing itchy red welts with no clear origin? Dark brown or black spots around bed sheets and pillowcases? What about a strange, sickly sweet smell in the bedrooms and living areas? No doubt about it; your Anaheim property may be suffering from a serious bed bug infestation.
- CockroachesCockroaches are common insects that live worldwide. Some have developed a close relationship with people and are one of our area's most common household pests. American cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, German cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches all thrive in California's indoor and outdoor spaces.
- Silverfish
- Bees
- WaspsA-1 Bonded Termite will tailor a pest control plan to your property's needs. Treating the issues before they become a major problem will save you time, money, and stress.
- CricketsCrickets have six legs and are usually black, brown, or yellow. They have strong hind legs they use for jumping.
- Earwigs
- FliesThe black widow is a very distinct-looking spider species that is infamous for its mating practices. While it is not true that the female always kills and eats the male after mating, passing on his genes is still quite dangerous for him, as black widow females are known to cannibalize their mates on occasion. When they're not eating their mates, black widows eat similar things to any other spiders in California. They love to hunt flies, cockroaches, and just about any other insect they can sink their fangs into.
- CentipedesCentipedes have long, flat bodies with one pair of legs per body segment. They are quick-moving predators.
- Millipedes
- BeetlesPowderpost beetles are tiny, flattened, and reddish-brown to black. Their larvae create tunnels in wood, and when they become adults, they bore out through the wood, usually bringing fine and powdery dust with them. Old wood antiques are a common target for powderpost beetles, along with hardwood floors and other hardwood products. If left untreated, they reduce wood to a fine powder, hence their name. A sign of powder post beetles are piles of dust near small holes in wooden furniture.
- Yellowjackets
- MothsRugs, carpet, and upholstery made from acetate, acrylic, nylon, polyester, and other synthetics can harbor clothing moths. These moths eat and digest protein fibers found in silk, wool, specialty hair fibers, and synthetic fibers. If you have an infestation, you might notice flying adult moths. While the adults do not cause any harm to your clothing or furniture, their larvae create considerable damage. Loose carpet fibers, fabric damage, and fuzzy cocoons the same color as the textile also indicate an infestation.
- Pantry PestsProfessional home pest control services are always helpful in controlling and preventing infestations from pantry pests. Reach out to A-1 Bonded Termite today for further assistance.
- Stinging InsectsStinging insects are arthropods that carry venom and have stingers. When they’re on the hunt for food, they inject venom into their prey. They tend to come out in the spring months when temperatures rise, looking for suitable locations to nest and lay their eggs. Some of the most common species in the area include...
- Sow BugsSowbugs have flat, oval bodies and seven pairs of legs. They consume organic debris and decaying plant matter.
- Birds
- RodentsRodents are extremely difficult pests to get rid of; they breed like crazy and can replace themselves many times over before you finally kill them all. Here at A-1 Bonded Termite, we keep this issue in mind when dealing with rat and mouse infestations. One of the biggest weapons in our anti-rodent arsenal is exclusion.
- MiceWhile rats and mice are two different species, they do share some characteristics, including the following traits...
- RatsLike all rats, roof rats can be dangerous for a variety of reasons. The first of these reasons is, of course, the diseases rats carry. Serious illnesses you can catch from rats include...
- SquirrelsRodents are among the worst pests you can have in your Anaheim home. They spread diseases, destroy property, and generally make your life miserable. People often forget that rodents encompass a whole range of species, from gophers to squirrels to rats and mice. By far, the worst offenders when it comes to rodent infestations are rats and mice. Rats and mice in Anaheim are a problem for humans because many species have become somewhat dependent on us for survival.
- Gophers