- Headaches
- Medical Weight LossAs opposed to the older bypass procedures, the newer procedures like the gastric sleeve, actually mechanically make the stomach smaller. By making the stomach smaller, you have less space to be able to collect food. Less space translates into less food, and therefore less chance for absorption. In this way, the effect is not so much physiologic as it is mechanical. The stomach can only expand a bit to accommodate the food bolus over time and so the patient literally starts to lose weight. This procedure has been found to be incredibly effective in weight loss. The patients also have been found to be more ready to undergo additional procedures. Along with this, their weight loss has been shown to last longer and be more permanent.
- Pregnancy
- Labor and DeliveryI am glad you asked that question. A Mommy Makeover is when we get the chance to not only do a tummy tuck but also to do breast implants at the same time. Often patients—Moms who come in–have had a lot of body changes after having their kids. With this in mind, they want to look like what they did before having kids. Most often, the trauma of childbirth affects both the breasts and the abdomen.
- Ear SurgeryBesides facelifts, we offer other procedures at our office designed to improve the appearance of the whole head. These include nasal surgery, ear surgery, and surgery that improves the appearance of the heavy eyelids.
- HysterectomyYes and no. Like any surgical procedure, there are limits to what can be done and what is safe. As for the yes, it can be combined with some other procedures. For example, I routinely do this procedure with a hysterectomy. Most of the OB/Gyns in the area can easily do their part of the surgery and then I can complete the procedure with an abdominoplasty, allowing for a precise plastic surgical closure. I also routinely do an abdominoplasty with a breast augmentation or a breast lift. Any procedure that may be too long or too arduous and place the patient at risk for significant bleeding or significant anesthetic exposure would have to be deferred and done in two stages. Please understand I say this without knowing exactly what you, the patient, may have in mind. I can only speak from my experience.
- Reconstructive SurgerySince Dr. Kordestani is a plastic surgeon, he is qualified to perform reconstructive surgery in addition to cosmetic procedures. This means that we can help patients with a wide spectrum of wants and needs. These can range from breast surgery to the reconstruction of tissue after a mastectomy, as well as laser treatments for younger-looking skin.
- BotoxBotox is actually the trade name for botulism toxin. It is a muscle paralytic agent that is used in very dilute amounts to paralyze certain muscle in the face and body to give the desired effect. Initially, it was medically approved for blepharospasms and achalasia, muscle spasm type of problems in the eye and in the throat. Over time it was found to have cosmetic implications. It is now accepted for use in the cosmetic arena. It is used often in the face to cause paralysis of muscles that cause wrinkles.
- Eyelid SurgeryEyelid surgery involves removing extra skin around the eye that tends to sag and block the visual fields. Most often patients seek help because either they are having problems with their vision or they are unhappy about the aesthetic contour of the skin around their eyes. This surgery removes some of the extra skin and makes the shape and contour around the eye more pleasant.
- LiposuctionLiposuction/lipocontouring is referred to the operative procedure in which fatty areas around the body are assessed and then infiltrated with local anesthetic solution combined with saline and are then serially suctioned off. This, of course, is done in a sterile setting. Most often we encourage patients to go through and look at their bodies very closely. Then we ask them to choose areas with which they have a particular problem. In patients in whom the weight is static or has been rather stable, we then look at these areas closely. Particular areas are commonly chosen for lipocontouring. These include the flanks, the lower abdomen, the lateral thighs, medial thighs, and the medial knees. All of these areas are then marked prior to surgery and then in symmetric fashion infiltrated with local anesthetic solution combined with saline. The local anesthetic fluid is complemented with very low concentration epinephrine that will help prevent bleeding. Once the anesthetic solution and the epinephrine have had time to work, the local fatty tissue is suctioned off in serial fashion with careful attention to make the areas symmetric with no evidence of any contour defects. Please note that the appropriate name for this procedure is in fact lipocontouring. The emphasis of the procedure is to contour the fatty tissue. Liposuction is not a fat reduction procedure. It should be used to contour the overall body habitus to make it more smooth. Aggressive liposuction should be avoided because it places the patient at risk for operative injury and morbidity.
- Breast AugmentationI am glad you asked that question. Breast augmentation is when an implant or artificial prosthesis is placed under breast tissue in an effort to give the overall breast shape a better younger look. Most patients who come in and are considered for breast augmentation complain that because of age or because of having children that their breast shape and contour has changed dramatically. With breast augmentation, they wish to regain the shape, the upper pole fullness, the “perkiness,” of their old breasts.
- Breast ReductionI am glad you asked that question. A breast reduction is an operation usually considered in patients who have very large breasts. Most often these women present with back and neck pain that in some cases is chronic. They contact their primary physician and go through an extensive workup for this pain. At the end of this workup, they are left with the idea that most of their pain is actually due to their large breasts. Most of these women complain that their breasts sag and weight down their body. They have heavy groove marks over their shoulders. In some cases, they suffer from significant skin changes below their breasts. All of these are possible effects of abnormally large breasts. In order to effectively treat this problem, we tend to decrease the size of breasts. We do this by choosing between several different types of operations. Most often our emphasis is to make sure that the breasts are symmetric and that the patient’s pain is resolved. Please note that there are patients in whom breasts are simply large. They may choose simply to make them smaller. This is often seen in patients who have lost a lot of weight and therefore want their breasts to match. In this way by getting their breasts smaller, their body seems to fit more comfortably. Not everyone wants to have their breasts reduced because they have pain.
- Breast LiftI am glad you asked that question. A breast lift or “mastopexy” is an operation often used for patients who have lost a great deal of the laxity in their breast tissue. As a consequence, they note that their breast “sag.” In some cases, their breasts seem to have simply hollowed out. Most women are unhappy with the shape of their breasts and therefore wish to be considered for a procedure that will effectively lift their nipple/areolar complex and make their breast less loose and more “perky.”
- RhinoplastySimply put, a rhinoplasty is shaping or reshaping the nose. Most patients present with a myriad of problems. Some initially come in with difficulty breathing. Some note that they are always short of breath. Some have complete obstruction or sleep apnea, where they wake gasping at night. Some other patients simply have had the misfortune of having their noses broken. In all these patients the complex anatomy of the nose is unfavorable. Because of this, the patient is not able to breathe properly and comes in to ask for help. A rhinoplasty then involves first defining the problem of the patient and what exactly is giving them their difficulty. The next step is to correct this problem. Along the way, as we correct the functional problem, the effort will also be to give the patient the best cosmetic looking nose possible. Rhinoplasty is one of the more complicated procedures possible. The nose is broken down into many segments: the tip, the lateral segments, the dorsum or the bridge and then internal structures like the septum and its cartilage. Each and every one of these needs to be considered in assessing the problem of the patient and each and every one needs to be tailored to the reparative operation. Only in this way will the patient be given the best result.
- Breast ReconstructionAfter all of that, the simple answer is YES. The new generation of implants from both Allergan and Mentor are as safe as possible and extremely sturdy. They also feel almost like regular breast tissue and so are often advocated for use in patients undergoing breast surgery, in cosmetic augmentation or in breast reconstruction.
- Plastic SurgeryPlastic surgery is not for everyone. It involves certain risks like any operative procedure. As long as you are aware of this fact, you can be considered for the procedure. However, in every case, the patient is best served by a thorough evaluation of their history, their body, and their overall expectations. You as the patient have to be realistic and cognizant of what is possible and what is reasonable. Trust me I am from Beverly Hills and I have had the privilege of working with many of the famous groups of plastic surgeons in LA. I can simply tell you there is no magic. We offer an opportunity to help you with surgical procedures in correcting what you may think is abnormal about your body. Also please understand that for many patients no surgery is needed; just a friendly word of encouragement and confidence from the local plastic surgeon.
- Thigh LiftThe next stage usually considered is the medial thigh lift is which the excess skin of the medial thighs is removed. We take care to place the incisions in the medial aspect of the thighs so that patients cannot see them when they look in the mirror. This helps to hide the incisions best.
- Face LiftSimply put, a rhytidectomy is a removal of rhytids, which are the medical term for wrinkles. Most women and for that matter men see themselves aging by looking at the mirror. They see the signs of age and most often people feel the sign of aging is wrinkling. For this reason, one of the most common procedures that individuals undergo for looking younger is a facelift.
- Neck LiftFor the neck, a neck lift is a possibility. With this procedure, we tend to bring the muscles of the neck together to get a very nice contoured base at the muscle. The overlying skin is then stretched to the sides. The excess skin is resected, leaving behind a nicely contoured look.
- BlepharoplastyGreat question. Most often I suggest to patients that they consider taking about 1 to 2 weeks from work. Let me elaborate. Once a blepharoplasty is done, the area around the eyes becomes swollen and in some cases becomes black and blue, ecchymotic as we call it. For a few patients, there is significant swelling to the point that the eyes are swollen shut. This only lasts a few days. After the first few days, the swelling begins to settle and the ecchymosis starts to resolve. By the first week, a patient can easily return to their normal activities. If they have a light duty or an office job, they can return to it without difficulty. A patient may be on some pain medicines. This may complicate the return to work. However, most patients are only on Tylenol by the end of the first week. By the end of the first week, the sutures usually come out. By the end of the second week, most of the swelling has resolved and the patient is back at work fully. The patient continues to stay out of the sun and to apply the anti-bacterial ointment to the wound every 6 hours. Rarely do patients stay inflamed past the third-week post surgery.
- AbdominoplastyThe trunk and torso are the most common areas that seem to be affected. Most patients present with lots of extra skin here. To address this excess skin, there are a few operations that can be considered. The first is an abdominoplasty or a “tummy tuck.” This tends to address the vertical excess that affects most patients. The operation resects the skin in the anterior trunk or abdomen. The loose tissues in the mid aspect of the abdomen are also plicated/brought together. The abdominoplasty is a good solid procedure and has lots of benefits. It gets rid of the excess skin in the lower abdomen and it allows a better contour and appreciation of the anterior trunk. Unfortunately, it is not necessarily the right answer for everyone. For some patients, the excess skin can be impressive. It not only affects the anterior trunk, but it also affects the flanks and the back. In these patients, a traditional abdominoplasty may not be the ideal answer. In patients with a tremendous amount of skin, even after an abdominoplasty, the patient is often left with residual excess skin at the flanks and in the back. Most often, these patients return a year or two later dissatisfied with the procedure and its cosmetic results. This is because they underwent the wrong procedure. In patients that have a tremendous excess of skin in all of these areas, the belt lipectomy or a circumferential lipectomy is a far better choice.
- Body LiftThe actual body lift procedure tends to be a combination of many operations that are completed in a staged fashion. We evaluate patients to determine which of the operations would benefit them most. Some of the combinations address people’s concerns after having lost a large amount of weight and are now dealing with sagging skin. Others may want to address a number of related issues post-pregnancy. Each person’s desired outcome is different, and we will suggest a custom solution based on your unique needs and wants.
- Breast SurgeryWe offer a large number of different cosmetic surgery options at our office in Texas Panhandle. We also provide nonsurgical treatments, such as BOTOX® and fillers for those who are interested in anti-aging treatments. Reconstructive surgical procedures offered by Dr Kordestani include body lifts and thigh lifts for people who have lost large amounts of weight, as well as breast surgery for cancer survivors. We are also proud to provide what we refer to as a “mommy makeover” for women to help address post-pregnancy body issues, such as sagging skin and breast shape.
- OtoplastyOtoplasty simply put is to change the shape of the ears. Most often this refers and is a procedure used for patients who have irregular shaped ears or ears that tend to be very prominent. The purpose of the procedure is to realign the cartilage segments favorably either to change the shape of the ear or to reduce the size or the angle of the ear and therefore make it less prominent. This is usually done by placing an incision behind the ear and by contouring the ear from behind. The incisions are placed behind the ear so they are not noticed. Once the reshaping is done, the incisions are closed and the skin and overlying tissue act as a splint to keep all the pieces of the cartilage in alignment. Actually, in all fairness, it is a very neat, operation.
- Cosmetic SurgeryThank you for taking the time to visit our practice. Now that you have decided to move forward with your procedure, it is important to consider your options. As you are aware, cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. For that reason, the costs of cosmetic surgery have to be paid before the actual procedure. To make this less of a burden, we have partnered with Care Credit, one of the largest groups in the country.
- DermabrasionYes, this procedure can be combined with some others. For example, I routinely do this procedure with a facelift. In fact, for a full facelift, the eyelids have to be assessed and adjusted. It can be done with a facial peel, dermabrasion, Botox, neck lift, or a browlift. Any procedure that may be too long or too arduous and place the patient at risk for significant bleeding or significant anesthetic exposure would have to be deferred and done in two stages. Please understand I say this without knowing exactly what you, the patient, may have in mind. I can only speak from my experience.
- Chemical PeelsA chemical peel is a procedure in which TCA, a caustic chemical is actually applied to the face. The dilution or the mix of the chemical allows it to cause a chemical reaction with the top layers of the skin and cause the upper layers that have skin damage to slough off. This allows us to effectively remove the top dry layers of the face skin and allows for the underlying healthier and younger skin to come forth. A similar result can also be obtained from lasers. However, many lasers cannot penetrate this deeply and so may not have as good a result.
- Skin CareWe have a variety of different laser treatments available to our patients at the office in Texas Panhandle. This nonsurgical approach to skin care is a popular, entry-level choice for those interested in exploring cosmetic procedures. Lasers can help rejuvenate skin and improve appearance, and we are experienced in utilizing them for this specific purpose.
- Burns
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain