- 45 Minute Traditional Acupuncture Initial Consultation$80.0045 Minute Appointment. Relieve pain and anxiety; Soothe restless emotion and restore physical harmony; Restore body's vital energy levels; High quality disposable needles; Dietary consultation; Promote body's natural healing; Some common conditions acupuncture helps with include: migraines and tension headaches; high blood pressure; insomnia and other sleeping problems; neck, back, and shoulder pain.
- 45 Minute Traditional Acupuncture Follow Up Visit$50.0045 Minute Appointment. Relieve pain and anxiety; Soothe restless emotion and restore physical harmony; Restore body's vital energy levels; High quality disposable needles; Dietary consultation; Promote body's natural healing. Some common conditions acupuncture helps with include: migraines and tension headaches; high blood pressure; insomnia and other sleeping problems; neck, back, and shoulder pain.
- Initial Chiropractic Treatment Consultation Without X Rays$80.0045 Minute Appointment. Diagnose and treat musculoskeletal system problems; Identify and treat chronic back and neck pain; Comprehensive postural analysis; Spine realignment and adjustment; Active release technique; Nutritional consulting; Chiropractic exam and adjustment. Some common conditions chiropractic helps with include: migraines and tension headaches; neck, back, shoulder, elbow, and wrist pains.
- Follow Up Chiropractic Treatment Visit Without X Rays$50.0045 Minute Appointment. Diagnose and treat musculoskeletal system problems; Identify and treat chronic back and neck pain; Comprehensive postural analysis; Spine realignment and adjustment; Active release technique; Nutritional consulting; Chiropractic exam and adjustment. Some common conditions chiropractic helps with include: migraines and tension headaches; neck, back, shoulder, elbow, and wrist pains.
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