- FibromyalgiaM.N. was a 48-year-old female with a 13-year history of fatigue, neck pain, and lack of energy. Her current medical history was significant for fibromyalgia, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, hypertension, chronic constipation, and neck and upper back pain with stiffness. Her current medications included Amitriptyline for sleep, Lotensin for hypertension, Kava Kava for sleep, Ginko Biloba, Accutane, Fiorinal for headaches, a multiple vitamin, and calcium. Due to her low energy levels, she was unable to exercise regularly on her aerobic rider, hiking, skiing or biking. She required ten hours of sleep daily, including naps. Her presenting complaints were lack of energy, waking up exhausted daily, difficulty sleeping, frequent dull headaches, and pain in the C-7 to T-1 area and neck between the scapulae, both of which were rated on a scale of 1-10 as 10 and 9, respectively (0 being pain-free).
- SinusitisAt Bridges In Medicine, we are beginning also to plan for the development of protocols for various disease processes. especially in those areas in which traditional medicine finds itself at a loss: fibromyalgia, low back pain, substance abuse, headache, chronic sinusitis, and general lifestyle changes.
- Primary CareHow does the Bridges In Medicine healthcare T.E.A.M. work for you? We listen. Then an initial interview is coordinated and conducted by a Bridges In Medicine primary care physician (M.D. or D.O.). Next, with you present, a T.E.A.M. of professional healthcare providers will review your particular medical issues. As the central figure and focus of the T.E.A.M., your input will provide the groundwork for the development of your program.
- Emergency CareAfter moving to Albuquerque, N.M., in 1977, Dr. Sollins practiced emergency medicine for nine years. During that time, he served the dual role of emergency physician and president of the largest emergency room group in New Mexico. Between the years of 1977 and 1986, he had direct responsibility for the development and operation of three emergency rooms and five urgent care centers in Albuquerque. From 1986 through 1998, Dr. Sollins practiced general internal medicine with New Mexico Medical Group, the largest private multi-specialty group in Albuquerque, once again serving the dual role of physician and, from 1993-97, president of the group. Under his leadership, New Mexico Medical Group began the transition from a "group practice without walls" to more traditional multi-specialty group through the development of the Jefferson Medical Campus, a 31,000 sq. ft. facility housing 15 physicians and full laboratory and radiology services. From 1994 through 1997, Dr. Sollins also served as president of The Physicians Healthcare Initiative, New Mexico’s largest independent physicians’ association ("IPA").
- Constipation
- Internal MedicineBridges in Medicine was founded by Jeffrey Stuart Sollins, M.D. The concept has been developing over twenty years. Dr. Sollins completed a residency program in Internal Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. His interests in alternative and complementary modalities grew out of his love of music and interest in the martial arts. Each of these areas deal with creativity, visualization, focus, concentration or intent, and each has specific body/mind/spirit result. Most importantly, both martial arts and music bring the individual to higher levels of consciousness. It is Dr. Sollins' belief that by opening those Doors of Perception, (1) we create an internal environment where healing can best occur.
- Kidney StonesJ.H. was a 48-year-old male who presented with a 35-year history of chronic intermittent sinus infections and sinusitis. Related surgical history included a tonsillectomy, a nasal polypectomy, and a submucous resection. J.H. had allergy skin testing while in college and received injections with no improvement. He had no hayfever-type symptoms, and never wheezes or is short of breath. He experienced sinus infections intermittently during adulthood, which became more frequent and severe since 1995–96. A CT scan of the paranasal sinuses revealed a whitened area at the base of the lower frontal sinuses bilaterally, indicating that this may be residue from prior infections and could provide the proper environment for future infections. Additional history includes two broken metacarpals, kidney stone extractions, and alcohol treatment.
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- UltrasoundThe Healing Touch practitioner’s assessment of the seven chakras revealed diffuse achy energy. The Root and Crown chakras were open and spinning clockwise. The others were energetically compromised, feeling diffused and flattened. A buzz was noted in the energy field over the area of the right jaw and face area. The treatment approach included healing touch of the whole body and symptomatic complaints accompanied by soothing music. Specific interventions for subsequent treatments included an opening spiral meditation, mind clearing, pain drain, ultrasound and laser to sinuses, full body connection, attention to the solar plexus and heart chakras, full body magnetic unruffling, pyramid balance connecting the higher and lower centers, self-chakra connection, bridging technique for the heart and back of throat, and a closing spiral meditation.
- Radiology
- Computed Tomography
- Physical Therapy
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain