- Medical Weight Loss“After weight loss with Lap Band, many patients are left with stubborn areas of adipose (fat) tissue that can generally only be removed with additional surgery. This is a real problem for these folks. After working so hard to improve their health and appearance only to be stuck with small areas of fat that no amount of diet or exercise will remove,” says Dr. Bagnato. “The BTL technologies give me a clinically proven and FDA approved tool to help my patients with these problems.”
- Primary Care
- Sleep Disorders
- Urinary IncontinenceThe result is an FDA approved treatment that firms and tightens tissues internally and externally. Several clinical trials have shown excellent results in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence as well as improvement in vaginal laxity and sexual satisfaction.
- Glaucoma
- EndoscopyUpper Endoscopy (EGD): During this test, a flexible tube equipped with a surgical camera is passed into the mouth to inspect the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. This allows your doctor to examine the tissue lining the gastrointestinal system and take biopsies for further testing to see the extent and severity of reflux.
- Mental HealthDuring your initial consultation, Dr. Bagnato will review your medical history and conduct a full medical assessment. If your insurance company rules it necessary, we will also complete a nutritional and mental health assessment.
- Diabetes Care
- UltrasoundWith BTL Exilis™ the first and only devices to simultaneously combine radio frequency and ultrasound to tighten skin.
- Computed TomographyDr. Bagnato will perform an upper endoscopy to visualize the stomach opening and internal stomach. It may also be necessary to review internal anatomy with a CT scan or barium study.
- General SurgeryDr. Bagnato is a board certified general surgeon with twenty years of surgical experience. He has provided general surgery services in Southwest Georgia since 1998 and has performed over 5000 bariatric surgeries since 2002. Dr. Bagnato is committed to providing patients with the best possible care and surgical results while keeping the surgery as affordable as possible.
- Wound Care
- Robotic Surgery
- LaparoscopyDr. Bagnato has worked with the major surgical equipment manufactures, most notably US Surgical, Wolf, and Olympus on development of new surgical tools and techniques. He developed a thoroscope (chest surgery device) with Olympus and patented a unique technique for tying sutures inside the body during laparoscopy procedures.
- Plastic SurgeryAs you prepare for your weight loss journey, keep in mind that you’ll work closely with the weight loss specialists at Palmyra Surgical to develop healthy diet and lifestyle habits. Gastric band surgery can yield dramatic weight loss results, but only if you’re willing to commit to eating small meals and following up with your weight loss surgeon after your gastric band surgery. Weight loss surgery is not plastic surgery; instead, it makes your diet and exercise efforts more effective.
- Laparoscopic SurgeryPatients prefer minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery over traditional surgery due to its reduced scarring, discomfort, and recovery periods.
- Cosmetic SurgeryUnlike cosmetic surgery, bariatric weight loss surgery doesn’t involve making immediate changes to the body. Adjustable gastric band surgery only works if you’re able to commit to eating small, healthy meals. With teamwork between you and your weight loss surgeon, you can reach your goal weight and maintain it.
- Bariatric SurgeryThe LAP-BAND® System is a form of bariatric surgery designed to help very overweight people lose excess body weight, improve weight-related health conditions and enhance their quality of life.